Credit Cards -- What You Should Know There are a lot of questions about using credit cards. Here's some important points for you:A quick look around on the Internet this morning shows that more than 9 million people in the UK do not pay off their credit card balances each month.
FREE Credit Report Offer - Careful, It Might Carry Hidden Charges FREE credit checks or free credit reports. What are they all about? Why every second company on the Net is offering you a free credit report? Are they all suddenly moved into a charity business?Don't worry about their finances.
The FICO Score MisconceptionsT here are many misconceptions about credit scores out there. There are borrowers who believe that they don't have a credit score.
Sound Advice For First Time Credit Card Users If you are just entering the world of credit cards, there is important information you will need to know in order to manage your credit and your finances effectively. Establishing good habits and a good credit history now is the foundation for a solid financial future.
Identity Theft - Who Would Want Mine?With all my bills who would possibly want my credit? Let them steal my identity and pay my bills! Unfortunately, that's not the way it works. Many of us mistakenly believe that identity thieves hit only the wealthy.
Free Credit Reports Now Available From the FTCThe Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has set up a new website (www.AnnualCreditReport.
Credit Report HasslesThere is no end to the amount of pain that your credit report can cause you. If you have a bad credit history this is something that can follow you around and wreak havoc on your life without you even knowing it.
Credit Card Traps: How To Spot Them On The Spot!They arrive in your mail - a conspicuous looking mail piece from some "official looking" bank claiming that you have been Pre-Approved for a Mastercard or VISA credit card.Of course, you don't have to have any credit.
What Is A FICO Score?A credit score is most commonly known as a FICO score. FICO stands for Fair Isaacs Corporation.
What You Need to Know About Interest RatesFor all people shop around for the best rate, there are few who have taken the time to sit down and add it all up. After all, why would you bother? The answer is that understanding just how interest rates work can help you see how important small differences in rates and payment amounts can be.
Cash Advance - How Does It Work?If you want a cash advance or a payday/paycheck loan, you usually get a personal check. Some companies use your bank account or credit card in addition to or instead of a check.
Myths and Truth about Credit ScoringCredit score is the key factor determining approval of almost any type of credit. It is based on the information contained in your credit report files.
How to Avoid Credit Card Late FeesEveryone hates late fees and being late will cost you dearly these days. For some credit cards today, if you are late, you will have to shell out as much as $40 each time.
Good vs. Bad Credit DebtDo you know the difference between good and bad credit debt? Most everyone seems to think that all debt is bad, but that is not always the case. In fact, there are some instances where good debt can actually help your financial situation.
Student Credit Cards 101Almost all students have and use student credit cards. Some of the students use them wisely and build for them an early credit history but others accumulate lots of debts that would have to be paid off once the student life is over.
The Top 5 Secrets to Managing Your Credit Cards-So They Won't Manage YouYou've probably never heard of Frank X. McNamara, but he revolutionized the way you shop on a daily basis.
5 Ways To Prevent Credit Card Late FeesPaying a credit card late fee is the same as throwing your money away. Late credit card payments can also hurt your credit score.
What Does Your Credit Score Tell You?When you apply for a loan or a mortgage, the first thing the lender does is to check your credit score. Based on your credit score, the lender decides the amount of finance you are eligible for and the interest rate at which you will be charged.
0% Credit CardsThese days, credit cards in the UK are competing with each other on two very attractive offers with a headline rate of 0%. These 0% credit cards will be either balance transfers; introductory purchases offers or a combination of the two.
Are you paying higher interest on your credit cards than you think?Many credit card holders sign up for a credit account with an 8.9% interest rate and then later realize that their interest rate has been bumped to 27.
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