Discover a More Effective Training Method for Fat Loss and Heart Health!
It is common to hear fitness professionals and medical doctors prescribe low to moderate intensity aerobic training (cardio) to people who are trying to prevent heart disease or lose weight. Most often, the recommendations constitute something along the lines of "perform 30-60 minutes of steady pace cardio 3-5 times per week maintaining your heart rate at a moderate level". Before you just give in to this popular belief and become the "hamster on the wheel" doing endless hours of boring cardio, I'd like you to consider some recent scientific research that indicates that steady pace endurance cardio work may not be all it's cracked up to be. Click Here!
First, realize that our bodies are designed to perform physical activity in bursts of exertion followed by recovery, or stop-and-go movement instead of steady state movement. Recent research is suggesting that physical variability is one of the most important aspects to consider in your training. This tendency can be seen throughout nature as all animals demonstrate stop-and-go motion instead of steady state motion. In fact, humans are the only creatures in nature that attempt to do "endurance" type physical activities. Most competitive sports (with the exception of endurance running or cycling) are also based on stop-and-go movement or short bursts of exertion followed by recovery. To examine an example of the different effects of endurance or steady state training versus stop-and-go training, consider the physiques of marathoners versus sprinters. Most sprinters carry a physique that is very lean, muscular, and powerful looking, while the typical dedicated marathoner is more often emaciated and sickly looking. Now which would you rather resemble? Click Here!
Another factor to keep in mind regarding the benefits of physical variability is the internal effect of various forms of exercise on our body. Scientists have known that excessive steady state endurance exercise (different for everyone, but sometimes defined as greater than 60 minutes per session most days of the week) increases free radical production in the body, can degenerate joints, reduces immune function, causes muscle wasting, and can cause a pro-inflammatory response in the body that can potentially lead to chronic diseases. On the other hand, highly variable cyclic training has been linked to increased anti-oxidant production in the body and an anti-inflammatory response, a more efficient nitric oxide response (which can encourage a healthy cardiovascular system), and an increased metabolic rate response (which can assist with weight loss). Click Here!
Furthermore, steady state endurance training only trains the heart at one specific heart rate range and doesn't train it to respond to various every day stressors. On the other hand, highly variable cyclic training teaches the heart to respond to and recover from a variety of demands making it less likely to fail when you need it. Think about it this way -- Exercise that trains your heart to rapidly increase and rapidly decrease will make your heart more capable of handling everyday stress. Stress can cause your blood pressure and heart rate to increase rapidly. Steady state jogging and other endurance training does not train your heart to be able to handle rapid changes in heart rate or blood pressure. Click Here!
The important aspect of variable cyclic training that makes it superior over steady state cardio is the recovery period in between bursts of exertion. That recovery period is crucially important for the body to elicit a healthy response to an exercise stimulus. Another benefit of variable cyclic training is that it is much more interesting and has lower drop-out rates than long boring steady state cardio programs. Click Here!
To summarize, some of the potential benefits of variable cyclic training compared to steady state endurance training are as follows: improved cardiovascular health, increased anti-oxidant protection, improved immune function, reduced risk for joint wear and tear, reduced muscle wasting, increased residual metabolic rate following exercise, and an increased capacity for the heart to handle life's every day stressors. There are many ways you can reap the benefits of stop-and-go or variable intensity physical training. One of the absolute most effective forms of variable intensity training to really reduce body fat and bring out serious muscular definition is performing wind sprints. Click Here!
Most competitive sports such as football, basketball, racquetball, tennis, hockey, etc. are naturally comprised of highly variable stop-and-go motion. In addition, weight training naturally incorporates short bursts of exertion followed by recovery periods. High intensity interval training (varying between high and low intensity intervals on any piece of cardio equipment) is yet another training method that utilizes exertion and recovery periods. For example, an interval training session on the treadmill could look something like this:
Warm-up for 3-4 minutes at a fast walk or light jog;Interval 1 - run at 8.0 mi/hr for 1 minute;Interval 2 - walk at 4.0 mi/hr for 1.5 minutes;Interval 3 - run at 10.0 mi/hr for 1 minute;Interval 4 - walk at 4.0 mi/hr for 1.5 minutes;Repeat those 4 intervals 4 times for a very intense 20-minute workout.
The take-away message from this article is to try to train your body at highly variable intensity rates for the majority of your workouts to get the most beneficial response in terms of heart health, fat loss, and muscle maintenance.
Visit How to Get Six Pack Abs to receive your own personalized metabolic rate calculator as well as a free training & nutrition bonus e-report that will change the way you think about fat loss and abs.
Michael Geary is a Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer, and author of the internationally best-selling book, The Truth about Six Pack Abs, with readers in over 150 countries. For those looking for fast but effective workouts, see out Home Dumbbell & Bodyweight 4-Minute Workouts
Article Source:
What is the Best Ab Workout for Belly Fat Loss?
Sunday, August 31, 2008
What is the Best Ab Workout for Belly Fat Loss?
The answer to the age-old question of "What is the best ab workout for losing stomach fat?" is...Click Here! None! Ab workouts alone don't create enough of a metabolic response in your body to create fat loss.
As a trainer, nutrition specialist, and fitness professional, I often get asked what the best types of exercises and workouts are for losing stubborn stomach fat in order to bring out visible six pack abs. The problem is that most people with excess stomach fat looking to try to uncover their abs are searching for some "miracle abdominal workout" that is going to slash the fat off their abs in no time.
The thing is... they are going about the problem entirely the wrong way! The truth is that you don't lose stomach fat by doing ab workouts.
The problem is that focusing most of your time and effort on abdominal exercises and abs workouts to try to flatten your stomach and bring out 6-pack abs is simply wasting your time from doing the correct workout programs that will actually reduce your body fat for good.
If I were to choose an answer as to what the best exercises are for losing belly fat, my answer would include full body exercises such as the following:
various forms of squats, lunges, dead lifts, clean & presses, snatches, swings, presses and pulls, mountain climbers, sprinting, etc.
These types of full body exercises would encompass a much higher percentage of the workouts I would design instead of abs exercises directly targeting the midsection. The way you combine those full body exercises into a strategic workout that maximizes your metabolism is also very important.
Don't get me wrong... I do recommend a certain amount of exercises that directly target the abs and core, but these are only a small fraction of the programs I design for my clients as your time is better spent focusing on the full body exercises that stimulate the greatest hormonal and metabolic changes within the body. In addition, a side-effect of working out using mostly full body multi-joint combo exercises are that you indirectly work your entire midsection even though you are not specifically targeting the abs.
Keep in mind that the most important factor for losing belly fat to see your abs is actually in the nutrition arena. No matter how hard you workout, if your diet is full of junk, then your abdominals will be covered with ugly fat. Nutrition is without a doubt the "king of getting a six pack".
So let's clear this up for good...
Stop wasting so much of your time focusing on sit-ups, crunches, leg raises, and all those silly worthless "ab contraptions" in your efforts to try to develop 6-pack abs. Instead focus on high intensity full body lifts using combination multi-joint exercises all strategically combined into highly effective fat loss workouts. Couple that with a healthy diet full of natural unprocessed whole foods as close to their natural state as possible, and those elusive six-pack abdominals will yours in no time!
Check out below for more of my key strategies for getting flat sexy 6-pack abs for life.Click Here!
Learn more about my secret strategies for losing stubborn stomach fat at the internet's authority for Getting Flat Six Pack Abs
For more workout and diet articles for fast fat loss, see Abs Diet and Training Articles for Fat Loss
For those super busy parents and business people needing fast but effective fat loss programs, go to Fast 4-Minute Fat Loss Workouts
Article Source:
As a trainer, nutrition specialist, and fitness professional, I often get asked what the best types of exercises and workouts are for losing stubborn stomach fat in order to bring out visible six pack abs. The problem is that most people with excess stomach fat looking to try to uncover their abs are searching for some "miracle abdominal workout" that is going to slash the fat off their abs in no time.
The thing is... they are going about the problem entirely the wrong way! The truth is that you don't lose stomach fat by doing ab workouts.
The problem is that focusing most of your time and effort on abdominal exercises and abs workouts to try to flatten your stomach and bring out 6-pack abs is simply wasting your time from doing the correct workout programs that will actually reduce your body fat for good.
If I were to choose an answer as to what the best exercises are for losing belly fat, my answer would include full body exercises such as the following:
various forms of squats, lunges, dead lifts, clean & presses, snatches, swings, presses and pulls, mountain climbers, sprinting, etc.
These types of full body exercises would encompass a much higher percentage of the workouts I would design instead of abs exercises directly targeting the midsection. The way you combine those full body exercises into a strategic workout that maximizes your metabolism is also very important.
Don't get me wrong... I do recommend a certain amount of exercises that directly target the abs and core, but these are only a small fraction of the programs I design for my clients as your time is better spent focusing on the full body exercises that stimulate the greatest hormonal and metabolic changes within the body. In addition, a side-effect of working out using mostly full body multi-joint combo exercises are that you indirectly work your entire midsection even though you are not specifically targeting the abs.
Keep in mind that the most important factor for losing belly fat to see your abs is actually in the nutrition arena. No matter how hard you workout, if your diet is full of junk, then your abdominals will be covered with ugly fat. Nutrition is without a doubt the "king of getting a six pack".
So let's clear this up for good...
Stop wasting so much of your time focusing on sit-ups, crunches, leg raises, and all those silly worthless "ab contraptions" in your efforts to try to develop 6-pack abs. Instead focus on high intensity full body lifts using combination multi-joint exercises all strategically combined into highly effective fat loss workouts. Couple that with a healthy diet full of natural unprocessed whole foods as close to their natural state as possible, and those elusive six-pack abdominals will yours in no time!
Check out below for more of my key strategies for getting flat sexy 6-pack abs for life.Click Here!
Learn more about my secret strategies for losing stubborn stomach fat at the internet's authority for Getting Flat Six Pack Abs
For more workout and diet articles for fast fat loss, see Abs Diet and Training Articles for Fat Loss
For those super busy parents and business people needing fast but effective fat loss programs, go to Fast 4-Minute Fat Loss Workouts
Article Source:
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Survival of Big Florida Bank In Doubt
Survival of Big Florida Bank In Doubt
by Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D.
First, the subprime mess clobbered subprime lenders like Countrywide Financial.
Then, the cancer spread to America's largest banks that invested heavily in risky mortgage-backed securities.
Now, it's metastasizing again — spreading to regional and state banks as well.
Two prime examples: Integrity Bank of Alpharetta, Ga., which just failed Friday with nearly a billion in deposits ... plus an even larger bank in trouble: BankUnited Financial Corp.
BankUnited is Florida's largest bank with 85 branches in 13 counties and with total assets of $14.2 billion.
In the first three quarters of last year, it reaped a profit of $23.2 million. The first three quarters of 2008? $200 million in losses!
Why? Because a whopping 58% of the bank's "assets" are option ARMs.
Like other adjustable-rate mortgages, option ARMs lure in unqualified homebuyers with bargain-basement interest rates ... then jack up rates — and loan payments — in later years. What's worse, each month, an option ARM gives borrowers three choices:
Option #1. Pay principle and interest normally.
Option #2. Pay interest only.
Option #3. Make a bare minimum payment that doesn't even cover all the interest due.
What happens to the unpaid interest? It gets tacked on to the unpaid balance.
The big time bomb: Borrowers are only allowed to do that for a pre-specified period of time or until their loan balance rises to a certain threshold, typically 110% or 115% of the original loan amount.
When that happens, they have to make the full payment — principle AND interest ... which can be many times higher than the minimum payments.
That's why massive numbers of borrowers are choosing a fourth "option" which no one anticipated: No payment whatsoever. In other words, DEFAULT.
And that's also why ...
The Amount of Non-Performing LoansAt BankUnited Has Surged 770%Just in the Last Twelve Months!
And if you think that's bad, the loans the bank doesn't expect to be repaid has soared a staggering 1,964% since this time last year.
Meanwhile, the non-performing loans in BankUnited's portfolio are rising at the rate of 10% per month — and the number of foreclosures in the bank's inventory is up 18% in July alone.
Now, the government is demanding that BankUnited raise $400 million of new capital and offset losses on its $10 billion of home loans.
Bottom line: BankUnited's stock is already down 91% in 12 months. And analysts are warning that it's likely to fail!
BankUnited Is DEFINITELYNot the Only Bank in This Soup!
If BankUnited were an anomaly, it wouldn't be such big news. But the fact is, the cancer that's brining down Florida's largest bank has also reached a raft of other financial institutions stuck with massive amounts of option ARMs.
At Bank of America, the $25.4 billion in option ARMs it acquired when it bought Countrywide are sinking fast. A whopping 72% of the borrowers aren't even paying all the interest due on these loans. One in eight is at least ninety days late on payments.
At Wachovia, the story is similar: Wachovia bought Golden West Financial at the peak of the real estate bubble in 2006 and as a result now has $122 billion of option ARMs in its portfolio — a staggering 25% of its total assets. Some 14% of those option ARM customers already have zero — or negative — equity in their homes. And that's only going to get worse as home prices depreciate further.
And at banks all across the country, we see the same pattern.
This is why we've repeatedly urged you to take two crucial steps while you still have time ...
FIRST, to achieve true safety for your money, don't wait one more day to take the steps we set forth for you in our recent "X" List video.
SECOND, once you've got most of your money — even as much as 90% — in safe, conservative investments, seriously consider using inverse ETFs — designed to soar in times like these — to help you multiply your money many times over.
You now have a rare THIRD CHANCE to go for double-your-money gains as financialstocks continue to plunge!
We've done our level-best to prepare you for this, Investor ...
Two weeks ago, we urged you to join Safe Money Report no later than the following Sunday to go for huge profit potential as weak banks continue to fall ...
One week ago, we pleaded with you once again to get on board for the next round of profit opportunities as bank stocks fell even further.
Both times we were right. Both times, key financial stocks cratered right on schedule. Both times, our favorite ETFs — designed to surge as financial, housing and other sectors fall — did just that.
Now, we're alerting you again:
You have a rare, third chance to activate your Safe Money membership before the next bloodletting in these stocks — but to get our urgent recommendations, you MUST be on board BEFORE our next full set of new recommendations to be issued this coming Friday, September 5.
The simple fact is, we told Safe Money Report subscribers these financial stocks would crash and burn. We named their names and urged subscribers to dump them more than 40 months ago in April of 2005, saying — and I quote — "Avoid these stocks like the plague."
Since then, almost all of the stocks we panned have crashed and burned: MDC Holdings is down 43% ... Fidelity National has declined 45% ... Countrywide dropped 86.6% ... MGIC Investment Corp has plummeted 27% ... and Washington Mutual has plunged 90%.
Plus, PMI Group has been beaten down 92% ... Fannie Mae has had a 89% haircut ... Radian Group has cratered 93% ... Freddie Mac has crashed 92% ... and New Century Financial has simply ceased to exist, its share price obliterated; plunging 100% in value to ZERO.
Plus, we told you about specialized investment vehicles to profit as they bit the dust.
Not short-selling ...
Not futures that expose you to unlimited risk ...
But inverse ETFs that you can buy on almost every major sector ... that strictly limit your risk ... and that give you virtually unlimited profit potential!
If you still own stocks that may be vulnerable ... have money in banks that may fail ... or hold real estate properties that could sink in value ... these inverse ETFs can help you create something akin to a personal, self-directed "hedge fund."
And if you have some money you can afford to invest more aggressively, then I think buying inverse ETFs on the stock sectors that are likely to get killed is an IDEAL profit opportunity for this situation.
Here's What to Do ...
First, click here now to sign up for a 6- or 12-month subscription to our Safe Money Report.
Second, download immediately our free reports on the major profit opportunities we see for 2008 and 2009.
Third, Friday, September 5, check your inbox for our complete set of new inverse ETF recommendations and our Safe Money portfolio.
In the meantime, here are the highlights of the special free reports that we think you should download with urgency ...
Free Report Ready for Immediate Download #1Inverse ETF Riches for 2008-2009 (Normally $79)
In this report, you'll discover ...
How anyone can buy inverse ETFs as easily as any other stock or ETF, in any brokerage account ...
How to use these special investments to minimize losses in the stocks you can't afford to sell now ...
How they can hand you up to $2 in profits for every $1 decline in the major indices and the weakest sectors ...
Our proprietary four-step approach to using them to minimize your risk and maximize your profit potential ...
Our comprehensive list of 38 inverse ETFs you should be considering now, including links to the websites that tell you everything you need to know about each one of them ...
And more!
But ETFs that profit from falling stock sectors are just one of the ways to make money in this crisis. That's why we've also prepared for you ...
Free Report Ready for Immediate Download #2Currency Riches for 2008-2009 (Normally $79)
There's only one market in the world which always has a bull market: Currencies. And you can also invest in them purely with ETFs. This free report shows you how. It includes:
A comprehensive list of every foreign currency ETF now available ...
How to buy each one quickly and easily — with a short call to your broker or a click of your mouse online ...
How to spot the currency ETFs that are most likely to give you maximum total returns ...
How to add two extra layers of protection to minimize your risk even when the markets go against you ...
How savvy currency ETF traders profit directly from declines in weak currencies — like the U.S. dollar ...
The four investment vehicles that are available for trading currencies — and the advantages and disadvantages of each ...
And more!
Free Report Ready for Immediate Download #3Resource Riches for 2008-2009 (Normally $79)
The U.S. government is pumping in massive amounts of cash and bail-out money to rescue banks, brokers, giant mortgage lenders and the entire economy.
And despite any temporary setbacks, that money has been driving up the one sector where demand remains strong but supplies are limited: Natural resources. In this free report, we explain ...
Why the latest correction in natural resources is a MAJOR buying opportunity: Three reasons why natural resources could double, even triple from today's high levels — and why this boom will continue to create millionaires ...
Natural resource investing 101: The four investment vehicles available to you for capturing natural resource profits, with the advantages and disadvantages of each ...
Commodity ETFs: How to invest in commodities without touching commodities or futures. Just buy these simple exchange traded funds through any broker, online or offline, just like you would any other ETF or stock ...
World's best natural resource profit plays: The natural resources and companies with the greatest profit potential now — and those you shouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole ...
And much, much more!
All Three Profit Guides: Inverse ETF Riches for 2008-2009,Currency Riches for 2008-2009, and Resource Riches for 2008-2009Are Yours Free With Your Safe Money Report
We'll email you our new recommendations to go for massive profits in this crisis — plus our complete Safe Money model portfolio — this coming Friday, September 5.
In the meantime, you can download all three volumes of our profit guides right now. And they are all yours with a risk-free trial of our Safe Money Report!
Safe Money is much more than just an investment newsletter ...
It's your safety haven — the dangers to avoid, the safest havens for you money.
It's your income compass — pointing you towards the investments with the potential to double or even triple your yields.
It's your self-defense system — designed to help you protect every dollar you've scrimped to save from every major risk you now face.
It's your own, personal B.S. detector — exposing the wealth-threatening lies that Washington and Wall Street often tell you, while delivering the unvarnished truth nobody else will.
It's your personal weather vane — constantly scanning the globe to identify the hottest profit trends and the markets, sectors and investments most likely to grow your nest egg with the least risk.
In each issue, Associate Editor Mike Larson and I give you nitty-gritty, practical, actionable recommendations designed to protect your wealth ... grow your wealth ... multiply your income ... and live richer.
In fact, our Safe Money Report shows you how to create and grow two nest eggs: The first nest egg to provide the income you need to cover your necessities, the second to throw off the additional cash you'll want to cover your favorite extras.
That's why each issue gives you specific "Buy," "Sell" and "Hold" recommendations for every investment in two portfolios: Our safety-obsessed "Mr. Conservative" portfolio for your first nest egg, and our "Mr. Speculator" portfolio for your second nest egg.
To Be on Board for Our New RecommendationsNext Friday, September 5, Plus ...To Get Your 3 Free Reports, Start Safe Money Now
Considering all that it gives you, we feel a 6-month membership in Safe Money Report is a bargain at the regular list price of just $98. But if you join now, we will spot you for HALF, and you can join for just $49.
That's only $1.88 per week ... less than 27 cents a day. While you're waiting for our special flash alert we're releasing later this afternoon, you can download immediately your copies of Inverse ETF Riches for 2008-2009 ... Currency Riches for 2008-2009 ... and Resource Riches for 2008-2009 — all at no cost.
You get six full months of Safe Money. And, as always, to save you time and trouble — and to make sure you never miss a single trading signal — we'll automatically renew your membership until you tell us to stop.
Want an even better value? Join us in Safe Money Report for a full year.
You'll save even more and profit from all the benefits of a full one-year membership for just $98. Plus, you'll receive three additional money-making, money-saving guides — an extra $237 value — at no cost.
You'll get ...
* Poison in Your Portfolio — a $79 value, yours free: This guide lists the companies that will be the most vulnerable as this great housing bust and credit crisis unfolds.
* Better Than Money In The Bank — a $79 value, yours free: There's no reason wealth-building should be limited to your investing portfolio. With the help of this special guide, your checking and savings accounts could be transformed from cumbersome low or no-interest storage bins into convenient accounts that deliver more interest.
* Options Investing 101 — a $79 value, yours free: You'll discover how to find options with the greatest potential and lowest possible risk ... the simple, easy steps for placing options trades with any broker (over the phone and online) ... how to add extra layers of protection to minimize your risk even further ... how to know when to sell ... the seven most dangerous mistakes options investors make ... and more.
Your Total Satisfaction Is Assured By Safe Money's Guarantee!
Just click on the order buttons below — or call toll-free 1-800-236-0407 — now to activate your membership. Then, use your membership to make all the money you want for as long as you want.
And remember, your satisfaction is 100% assured. If you're unhappy for any reason, you can cancel anytime for a full refund. In either case, all the materials you've received are yours to keep, with my compliments.
The number to call is 1-800-236-0407.
Or better yet, simply click below to order now.
You have my word that I will do everything in my power to see you through this crisis.
Good luck and God bless!
50% OFF SAVINGS CERTIFICATEMembership Guaranteed Free Money-Saving Guides — a $237 Value, Free!
Call 1-800-236-0407 or click on your choice below ...
YES, Dr. Weiss! I want to avoid the dangers of this crisis and turn them into great profit opportunities. I am responding now to be in time for your full set of new recommendations coming out next Friday. Plus, as always, to save me time and trouble — and to make sure I never miss a single trading signal — you'll automatically renew my membership until I tell you to stop. Please accept my membership in Safe Money Report as indicated below.
Best Value: One full year of Safe Money for just $98. I Save Half. Plus I get the following six special reports, worth $474, absolutely free:
#1. Inverse ETF Riches for 2008-2009. Value: $79.#2. Currency Riches for 2008-2009. Value: $79.#3. Resource Riches for 2008-2009. Value: $79.#4. Poison in Your Portfolio. Value: $79.#5. Better Than Money in the Bank. Value: $79.#6. Options Investing 101. Value: $79.
Great Value: Six months of Safe Money for only $49. I Save Half. Plus I receive three special reports, worth $237, absolutely free:
#1. Inverse ETF Riches for 2008-2009.Value: $79.#2. Currency Riches for 2008-2009. Value: $79.#3. Resource Riches for 2008-2009. Value: $79.
About Safe Money Report
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Money and Markets (MaM) is published by Weiss Research, Inc. and written by Martin D. Weiss along with Tony Sagami, Nilus Mattive, Sean Brodrick, Larry Edelson, Michael Larson and Jack Crooks. To avoid conflicts of interest, Weiss Research and its staff do not hold positions in companies recommended in MaM, nor do we accept any compensation for such recommendations. The comments, graphs, forecasts, and indices published in MaM are based upon data whose accuracy is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Performance returns cited are derived from our best estimates but must be considered hypothetical in as much as we do not track the actual prices investors pay or receive. Regular contributors and staff include Kristen Adams, Andrea Baumwald, John Burke, Amber Dakar, Dinesh Kalera, Christina Kern, Red Morgan, Maryellen Murphy, Jennifer Newman-Amos, Adam Shafer, Julie Trudeau and Leslie Underwood.
Attention editors and publishers! Money and Markets issues can be republished. Republished issues MUST include attribution of the author(s) and the following short paragraph:
This investment news is brought to you by Money and Markets. Money and Markets is a free daily investment newsletter from Martin D. Weiss and Weiss Research analysts offering the latest investing news and financial insights for the stock market, including tips and advice on investing in gold, energy and oil. Dr. Weiss is a leader in the fields of investing, interest rates, financial safety and economic forecasting. To view archives or subscribe, visit
by Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D.
First, the subprime mess clobbered subprime lenders like Countrywide Financial.
Then, the cancer spread to America's largest banks that invested heavily in risky mortgage-backed securities.
Now, it's metastasizing again — spreading to regional and state banks as well.
Two prime examples: Integrity Bank of Alpharetta, Ga., which just failed Friday with nearly a billion in deposits ... plus an even larger bank in trouble: BankUnited Financial Corp.
BankUnited is Florida's largest bank with 85 branches in 13 counties and with total assets of $14.2 billion.
In the first three quarters of last year, it reaped a profit of $23.2 million. The first three quarters of 2008? $200 million in losses!
Why? Because a whopping 58% of the bank's "assets" are option ARMs.
Like other adjustable-rate mortgages, option ARMs lure in unqualified homebuyers with bargain-basement interest rates ... then jack up rates — and loan payments — in later years. What's worse, each month, an option ARM gives borrowers three choices:
Option #1. Pay principle and interest normally.
Option #2. Pay interest only.
Option #3. Make a bare minimum payment that doesn't even cover all the interest due.
What happens to the unpaid interest? It gets tacked on to the unpaid balance.
The big time bomb: Borrowers are only allowed to do that for a pre-specified period of time or until their loan balance rises to a certain threshold, typically 110% or 115% of the original loan amount.
When that happens, they have to make the full payment — principle AND interest ... which can be many times higher than the minimum payments.
That's why massive numbers of borrowers are choosing a fourth "option" which no one anticipated: No payment whatsoever. In other words, DEFAULT.
And that's also why ...
The Amount of Non-Performing LoansAt BankUnited Has Surged 770%Just in the Last Twelve Months!
And if you think that's bad, the loans the bank doesn't expect to be repaid has soared a staggering 1,964% since this time last year.
Meanwhile, the non-performing loans in BankUnited's portfolio are rising at the rate of 10% per month — and the number of foreclosures in the bank's inventory is up 18% in July alone.
Now, the government is demanding that BankUnited raise $400 million of new capital and offset losses on its $10 billion of home loans.
Bottom line: BankUnited's stock is already down 91% in 12 months. And analysts are warning that it's likely to fail!
BankUnited Is DEFINITELYNot the Only Bank in This Soup!
If BankUnited were an anomaly, it wouldn't be such big news. But the fact is, the cancer that's brining down Florida's largest bank has also reached a raft of other financial institutions stuck with massive amounts of option ARMs.
At Bank of America, the $25.4 billion in option ARMs it acquired when it bought Countrywide are sinking fast. A whopping 72% of the borrowers aren't even paying all the interest due on these loans. One in eight is at least ninety days late on payments.
At Wachovia, the story is similar: Wachovia bought Golden West Financial at the peak of the real estate bubble in 2006 and as a result now has $122 billion of option ARMs in its portfolio — a staggering 25% of its total assets. Some 14% of those option ARM customers already have zero — or negative — equity in their homes. And that's only going to get worse as home prices depreciate further.
And at banks all across the country, we see the same pattern.
This is why we've repeatedly urged you to take two crucial steps while you still have time ...
FIRST, to achieve true safety for your money, don't wait one more day to take the steps we set forth for you in our recent "X" List video.
SECOND, once you've got most of your money — even as much as 90% — in safe, conservative investments, seriously consider using inverse ETFs — designed to soar in times like these — to help you multiply your money many times over.
You now have a rare THIRD CHANCE to go for double-your-money gains as financialstocks continue to plunge!
We've done our level-best to prepare you for this, Investor ...
Two weeks ago, we urged you to join Safe Money Report no later than the following Sunday to go for huge profit potential as weak banks continue to fall ...
One week ago, we pleaded with you once again to get on board for the next round of profit opportunities as bank stocks fell even further.
Both times we were right. Both times, key financial stocks cratered right on schedule. Both times, our favorite ETFs — designed to surge as financial, housing and other sectors fall — did just that.
Now, we're alerting you again:
You have a rare, third chance to activate your Safe Money membership before the next bloodletting in these stocks — but to get our urgent recommendations, you MUST be on board BEFORE our next full set of new recommendations to be issued this coming Friday, September 5.
The simple fact is, we told Safe Money Report subscribers these financial stocks would crash and burn. We named their names and urged subscribers to dump them more than 40 months ago in April of 2005, saying — and I quote — "Avoid these stocks like the plague."
Since then, almost all of the stocks we panned have crashed and burned: MDC Holdings is down 43% ... Fidelity National has declined 45% ... Countrywide dropped 86.6% ... MGIC Investment Corp has plummeted 27% ... and Washington Mutual has plunged 90%.
Plus, PMI Group has been beaten down 92% ... Fannie Mae has had a 89% haircut ... Radian Group has cratered 93% ... Freddie Mac has crashed 92% ... and New Century Financial has simply ceased to exist, its share price obliterated; plunging 100% in value to ZERO.
Plus, we told you about specialized investment vehicles to profit as they bit the dust.
Not short-selling ...
Not futures that expose you to unlimited risk ...
But inverse ETFs that you can buy on almost every major sector ... that strictly limit your risk ... and that give you virtually unlimited profit potential!
If you still own stocks that may be vulnerable ... have money in banks that may fail ... or hold real estate properties that could sink in value ... these inverse ETFs can help you create something akin to a personal, self-directed "hedge fund."
And if you have some money you can afford to invest more aggressively, then I think buying inverse ETFs on the stock sectors that are likely to get killed is an IDEAL profit opportunity for this situation.
Here's What to Do ...
First, click here now to sign up for a 6- or 12-month subscription to our Safe Money Report.
Second, download immediately our free reports on the major profit opportunities we see for 2008 and 2009.
Third, Friday, September 5, check your inbox for our complete set of new inverse ETF recommendations and our Safe Money portfolio.
In the meantime, here are the highlights of the special free reports that we think you should download with urgency ...
Free Report Ready for Immediate Download #1Inverse ETF Riches for 2008-2009 (Normally $79)
In this report, you'll discover ...
How anyone can buy inverse ETFs as easily as any other stock or ETF, in any brokerage account ...
How to use these special investments to minimize losses in the stocks you can't afford to sell now ...
How they can hand you up to $2 in profits for every $1 decline in the major indices and the weakest sectors ...
Our proprietary four-step approach to using them to minimize your risk and maximize your profit potential ...
Our comprehensive list of 38 inverse ETFs you should be considering now, including links to the websites that tell you everything you need to know about each one of them ...
And more!
But ETFs that profit from falling stock sectors are just one of the ways to make money in this crisis. That's why we've also prepared for you ...
Free Report Ready for Immediate Download #2Currency Riches for 2008-2009 (Normally $79)
There's only one market in the world which always has a bull market: Currencies. And you can also invest in them purely with ETFs. This free report shows you how. It includes:
A comprehensive list of every foreign currency ETF now available ...
How to buy each one quickly and easily — with a short call to your broker or a click of your mouse online ...
How to spot the currency ETFs that are most likely to give you maximum total returns ...
How to add two extra layers of protection to minimize your risk even when the markets go against you ...
How savvy currency ETF traders profit directly from declines in weak currencies — like the U.S. dollar ...
The four investment vehicles that are available for trading currencies — and the advantages and disadvantages of each ...
And more!
Free Report Ready for Immediate Download #3Resource Riches for 2008-2009 (Normally $79)
The U.S. government is pumping in massive amounts of cash and bail-out money to rescue banks, brokers, giant mortgage lenders and the entire economy.
And despite any temporary setbacks, that money has been driving up the one sector where demand remains strong but supplies are limited: Natural resources. In this free report, we explain ...
Why the latest correction in natural resources is a MAJOR buying opportunity: Three reasons why natural resources could double, even triple from today's high levels — and why this boom will continue to create millionaires ...
Natural resource investing 101: The four investment vehicles available to you for capturing natural resource profits, with the advantages and disadvantages of each ...
Commodity ETFs: How to invest in commodities without touching commodities or futures. Just buy these simple exchange traded funds through any broker, online or offline, just like you would any other ETF or stock ...
World's best natural resource profit plays: The natural resources and companies with the greatest profit potential now — and those you shouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole ...
And much, much more!
All Three Profit Guides: Inverse ETF Riches for 2008-2009,Currency Riches for 2008-2009, and Resource Riches for 2008-2009Are Yours Free With Your Safe Money Report
We'll email you our new recommendations to go for massive profits in this crisis — plus our complete Safe Money model portfolio — this coming Friday, September 5.
In the meantime, you can download all three volumes of our profit guides right now. And they are all yours with a risk-free trial of our Safe Money Report!
Safe Money is much more than just an investment newsletter ...
It's your safety haven — the dangers to avoid, the safest havens for you money.
It's your income compass — pointing you towards the investments with the potential to double or even triple your yields.
It's your self-defense system — designed to help you protect every dollar you've scrimped to save from every major risk you now face.
It's your own, personal B.S. detector — exposing the wealth-threatening lies that Washington and Wall Street often tell you, while delivering the unvarnished truth nobody else will.
It's your personal weather vane — constantly scanning the globe to identify the hottest profit trends and the markets, sectors and investments most likely to grow your nest egg with the least risk.
In each issue, Associate Editor Mike Larson and I give you nitty-gritty, practical, actionable recommendations designed to protect your wealth ... grow your wealth ... multiply your income ... and live richer.
In fact, our Safe Money Report shows you how to create and grow two nest eggs: The first nest egg to provide the income you need to cover your necessities, the second to throw off the additional cash you'll want to cover your favorite extras.
That's why each issue gives you specific "Buy," "Sell" and "Hold" recommendations for every investment in two portfolios: Our safety-obsessed "Mr. Conservative" portfolio for your first nest egg, and our "Mr. Speculator" portfolio for your second nest egg.
To Be on Board for Our New RecommendationsNext Friday, September 5, Plus ...To Get Your 3 Free Reports, Start Safe Money Now
Considering all that it gives you, we feel a 6-month membership in Safe Money Report is a bargain at the regular list price of just $98. But if you join now, we will spot you for HALF, and you can join for just $49.
That's only $1.88 per week ... less than 27 cents a day. While you're waiting for our special flash alert we're releasing later this afternoon, you can download immediately your copies of Inverse ETF Riches for 2008-2009 ... Currency Riches for 2008-2009 ... and Resource Riches for 2008-2009 — all at no cost.
You get six full months of Safe Money. And, as always, to save you time and trouble — and to make sure you never miss a single trading signal — we'll automatically renew your membership until you tell us to stop.
Want an even better value? Join us in Safe Money Report for a full year.
You'll save even more and profit from all the benefits of a full one-year membership for just $98. Plus, you'll receive three additional money-making, money-saving guides — an extra $237 value — at no cost.
You'll get ...
* Poison in Your Portfolio — a $79 value, yours free: This guide lists the companies that will be the most vulnerable as this great housing bust and credit crisis unfolds.
* Better Than Money In The Bank — a $79 value, yours free: There's no reason wealth-building should be limited to your investing portfolio. With the help of this special guide, your checking and savings accounts could be transformed from cumbersome low or no-interest storage bins into convenient accounts that deliver more interest.
* Options Investing 101 — a $79 value, yours free: You'll discover how to find options with the greatest potential and lowest possible risk ... the simple, easy steps for placing options trades with any broker (over the phone and online) ... how to add extra layers of protection to minimize your risk even further ... how to know when to sell ... the seven most dangerous mistakes options investors make ... and more.
Your Total Satisfaction Is Assured By Safe Money's Guarantee!
Just click on the order buttons below — or call toll-free 1-800-236-0407 — now to activate your membership. Then, use your membership to make all the money you want for as long as you want.
And remember, your satisfaction is 100% assured. If you're unhappy for any reason, you can cancel anytime for a full refund. In either case, all the materials you've received are yours to keep, with my compliments.
The number to call is 1-800-236-0407.
Or better yet, simply click below to order now.
You have my word that I will do everything in my power to see you through this crisis.
Good luck and God bless!
50% OFF SAVINGS CERTIFICATEMembership Guaranteed Free Money-Saving Guides — a $237 Value, Free!
Call 1-800-236-0407 or click on your choice below ...
YES, Dr. Weiss! I want to avoid the dangers of this crisis and turn them into great profit opportunities. I am responding now to be in time for your full set of new recommendations coming out next Friday. Plus, as always, to save me time and trouble — and to make sure I never miss a single trading signal — you'll automatically renew my membership until I tell you to stop. Please accept my membership in Safe Money Report as indicated below.
Best Value: One full year of Safe Money for just $98. I Save Half. Plus I get the following six special reports, worth $474, absolutely free:
#1. Inverse ETF Riches for 2008-2009. Value: $79.#2. Currency Riches for 2008-2009. Value: $79.#3. Resource Riches for 2008-2009. Value: $79.#4. Poison in Your Portfolio. Value: $79.#5. Better Than Money in the Bank. Value: $79.#6. Options Investing 101. Value: $79.
Great Value: Six months of Safe Money for only $49. I Save Half. Plus I receive three special reports, worth $237, absolutely free:
#1. Inverse ETF Riches for 2008-2009.Value: $79.#2. Currency Riches for 2008-2009. Value: $79.#3. Resource Riches for 2008-2009. Value: $79.
About Safe Money Report
For more details, see our terms and conditions at
About Money and Markets
For more information and archived issues, visit
Money and Markets (MaM) is published by Weiss Research, Inc. and written by Martin D. Weiss along with Tony Sagami, Nilus Mattive, Sean Brodrick, Larry Edelson, Michael Larson and Jack Crooks. To avoid conflicts of interest, Weiss Research and its staff do not hold positions in companies recommended in MaM, nor do we accept any compensation for such recommendations. The comments, graphs, forecasts, and indices published in MaM are based upon data whose accuracy is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Performance returns cited are derived from our best estimates but must be considered hypothetical in as much as we do not track the actual prices investors pay or receive. Regular contributors and staff include Kristen Adams, Andrea Baumwald, John Burke, Amber Dakar, Dinesh Kalera, Christina Kern, Red Morgan, Maryellen Murphy, Jennifer Newman-Amos, Adam Shafer, Julie Trudeau and Leslie Underwood.
Attention editors and publishers! Money and Markets issues can be republished. Republished issues MUST include attribution of the author(s) and the following short paragraph:
This investment news is brought to you by Money and Markets. Money and Markets is a free daily investment newsletter from Martin D. Weiss and Weiss Research analysts offering the latest investing news and financial insights for the stock market, including tips and advice on investing in gold, energy and oil. Dr. Weiss is a leader in the fields of investing, interest rates, financial safety and economic forecasting. To view archives or subscribe, visit
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Rob Schmidt Recommends Commission Blueprint for Your Success
Rob Schmidt Recommends Commission Blueprint for Your SuccessThere's been a ton of buzz around this system over the past few days and if you haven't heardabout it yet, let me just fill you in...It's called the "Commission Blueprint" - a radical formula created by Tim Godfrey and Steven Clayton that exploits Clickbank and Google in such a devious way that the resulting profits are in the realms of the *insane*.http://rsproducts.comblue.hop.clickbank.netOf course, you will have heard this kinda' thing a gazillion times before and to be perfectly honest so have I...But after checking this out, I can give you rocksolid confirmation that this is the real deal,especially if you want to replicate a simple systemthat generates MASSIVE Clickbank commissions.Let me just throw some figures your way...- $6,513.04 in one day- $153,426.72 in 6 weeks- $526,422.83 in 7 months....and the crazy thing is, these numbers were generated by promoting ONE Clickbank product, bidding on just ONE keyword...and without ANY help from JV partners or even an email list!...not to mention the fact that this simple affiliate campaign took just a few minutes to set up. How was it done?Check out the story here:http://rsproducts.comblue.hop.clickbank.netThis is a VERY VERY different ball game...In fact, if you've ever wondered why most affiliates struggle to produce a red cent in profit whilst others effortlessly rake in unfathomable Clickbank commissions seemingly with their hands tied behind their back, then sit up and take note, because you're about to find out why.----------------The Best Thing?----------------You need no experience at all because they take you through the entire process on screen AND give you all the tools to actually make it happen.----------------The Weird Thing?----------------It's frankly bizarre that they're revealing this stuff. If it were me, I would've kept my mouth FIRMLY shut for sure.These guys do 7 figures a year with Clickbank consistently and generate far bigger numbers thanvirtually anyone else on the planet.Point being...if you're a suffering affiliate, you NEED this material. Badly.----------------The Bad News...----------------There are only very limited spots availableand judging by how fast this has spread around the net, they'll go ultra fast... possiblyin the next few hours.It has literally just gone live thoughso you should be in time...End result?Affiliates who FAIL to get hold of this information will be left fighting forscraps and ultimately will be in a world of hurt from now on; that much I can assure you...You can't afford to be left out of the loop withthis one...Here's the link:
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Learn how to get in on the Action.
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Are you ready to generate $300+ per day on Google? Then act fast for quick Internet income. You won't believe how easy it is...If you can click, type and follow simple directions, you're ready to earn! You can make up to $1,000 each day working from home, while your sleeping, while your camping, or even tanning at the beach! Start earning money within a few hours! No experience needed! Learn how to make a fortune through Google! Suppose you discovered a way to make $2,000 a week – from the comfort of your home. Imagine how that would change your life. No more bosses. No more commuting to work. You’d be able to laugh at your money problems. People would suddenly have a newfound respect for you. You’d be able to pay cash for many of the goodies in life … like new cars, home theaters, computers, designer clothes, and more. Finally it’s now possible for you. You can take advantage of immediately – even if you’re broke and have no college education.
Bear Market Profits
People are constantly asking me why is the stock market going down. What is causing this bear market? It is relatively simple so don't ask an economist. He will give you a 200-page answer that is undecipherable. Can you understand Mr. Greenspan?
Let's first realize what it is that makes a stock price go up. The basic reason is that the investor thinks that the company will make a larger profit and pay a good dividend - one that is better than it is now doing. People buy in anticipation of better earnings. Really, it is that simple.
Conversely, when a stock starts down investors think the company can no longer sustain its sales and earnings and that the current price is too high so it is sold. Every other reason you hear is hype, smoke and mirrors. Last year we saw more than 1,000 stocks on the Nasdaq exchange lose more than 90% of their value. Many of those stocks have lost even more this year and scores of them are either out of business or been merged into other companies. Their anticipated sales and earnings never showed up.
When a large section of the market is adversely affected with shrinking sales that action many times begins to slip over into other sectors. Last year it was the technology group as a whole that suffered the most. This year it will be almost all the New York Stock Exchange stocks. We have just witnessed the biggest point loss in one week in NYSE history. In the long run it is going to go much lower after its rally.
The market was already headed down before the World Trade Center tragedy and this single act triggered a great amount of emotional selling. The bear market, which has been with us for about a year, would have gone down to the September 21, 2001 lows anyway even if the New York disaster had not occurred.
One thing investors do not like is uncertainty. People want their money to be safe so they will sell some of what they have and will not buy. Those with 401Ks can transfer to money markets. It has become very evident that almost every type of business with a few exceptions will have less sales and shrinking profits. It is not a time to buy. The talking heads on TV are telling you that you can't afford to be out of the market. Oh, yes you can. The best place for the next several months is in a nice safe Money Market fund or some type of short-term bond no-load mutual fund.
Until the market uncertainty goes away and profits start improving for a majority of companies it is best to maintain a cash position. That may not be until the middle of next year. In the meantime cash is king. Don't let anyone talk you into buying anything. The bear is still loose. Don't let him gobble up your investments.
Al Thomas' book, "If It Doesn't Go Up, Don't Buy It!" has helped thousands of people make money and keep their profits with his simple 2-step method. Read the first chapter at and discover why he's the man that Wall Street does not want you to know.
Shorting Stocks - The Basics, Part I of IIWhat does it mean to short a stock?This means that you borrow the stock from your broker to sell to a third party. The idea is to buy back the stock at a lower price, returning the shares to your broker while leaving the remaining cash in your account as a profit.
Shorting Stocks - The Basics, Part II of IIAfter the publication of the first part of this two part series, I had a few questions asking if shorting stocks is legal and I will quickly reply with a big YES. Some people believe that shorting shares of American companies is not patriotic or does not seem like the right thing to do.
Trading as a BusinessWhat can I expect to make my first year of trading?We get questions like this one quite often. We find that most aspiring traders don't have a clue as to what to expect from the market.
Bollinger Bands StrategiesThe Bollinger Band theory is designed to depict the volatility of a stock. It is quite simple, being composed of a simple moving average, and its upper and lower "bands" that are 2 standard deviations away.
Peer GroupsWhenever I see mutual fund comparisons in the trade publications and in the financial section of the newspaper they almost always mention a specific fund and tell you how good it is in relation to its peer group. A peer group is a specialized sector of mutual funds that all invest in about the same type of stocks or areas of the world or size of companies or some such categorization.
Why This Bear?People are constantly asking me why is the stock market going down. What is causing this bear market? It is relatively simple so don't ask an economist.
Kick The TiresBefore you buy another car you walk around the lot, kick the tires, slam the doors and look at the mileage indicator. That's an odometer.
How To Buy And HoldOne of the most believed bits of conventional wisdom from Wall Street is to Buy and Hold. Any stock or mutual fund should be put away for eternity and never sold.
Rebalance And DiversifyThe stock market has not been very kind to your investments lately. Your broker knows this so you may have received a call from him suggesting it is time to 'rebalance and diversify' your portfolio.
Social InsecurityJust about everything you have been told about Social Security is an obfuscation. That is a big word for convoluted truth or lie.
Risk ControlEverything you invest in has risk so you want to do your research before you put your money on the line.For example, when McDonald's opens a new restaurant (please, don't call it a hamburger joint) they will investigate as many of the relevant facts as possible.
Protect Your 401KChecked your 401K lately? Going back to about a year ago many of these retirement accounts have shrunk by 30%, some even more. What Happened?You have been putting money in for years and your employer may have been contributing to your plan also.
One Way StreetEver turn down a street, get half way and suddenly realize it is one way and you are going the wrong way? Is that the way you feel when you look at your stock brokerage statement?In either case don't panic. You can get out of that one way street by carefully backing out.
Top 25 Growth FundsOn Monday, November 25, 2000 Investor's Business Daily listed on page B1 the Top 25 Growth Mutual Funds for the last 36 months along with their performance for the year 2000 to date. Only four showed a profit this year of 21% and the other three had increases of 12%, 5%, and 5%.
How To Pick A Mutual FundMutual funds by definition are a mixed bag of stocks, bonds and a little cash. Their price per share is the NAV, Net Asset Value of the total amount of money in the mutual fund divided by the number of shares.
Let's first realize what it is that makes a stock price go up. The basic reason is that the investor thinks that the company will make a larger profit and pay a good dividend - one that is better than it is now doing. People buy in anticipation of better earnings. Really, it is that simple.
Conversely, when a stock starts down investors think the company can no longer sustain its sales and earnings and that the current price is too high so it is sold. Every other reason you hear is hype, smoke and mirrors. Last year we saw more than 1,000 stocks on the Nasdaq exchange lose more than 90% of their value. Many of those stocks have lost even more this year and scores of them are either out of business or been merged into other companies. Their anticipated sales and earnings never showed up.
When a large section of the market is adversely affected with shrinking sales that action many times begins to slip over into other sectors. Last year it was the technology group as a whole that suffered the most. This year it will be almost all the New York Stock Exchange stocks. We have just witnessed the biggest point loss in one week in NYSE history. In the long run it is going to go much lower after its rally.
The market was already headed down before the World Trade Center tragedy and this single act triggered a great amount of emotional selling. The bear market, which has been with us for about a year, would have gone down to the September 21, 2001 lows anyway even if the New York disaster had not occurred.
One thing investors do not like is uncertainty. People want their money to be safe so they will sell some of what they have and will not buy. Those with 401Ks can transfer to money markets. It has become very evident that almost every type of business with a few exceptions will have less sales and shrinking profits. It is not a time to buy. The talking heads on TV are telling you that you can't afford to be out of the market. Oh, yes you can. The best place for the next several months is in a nice safe Money Market fund or some type of short-term bond no-load mutual fund.
Until the market uncertainty goes away and profits start improving for a majority of companies it is best to maintain a cash position. That may not be until the middle of next year. In the meantime cash is king. Don't let anyone talk you into buying anything. The bear is still loose. Don't let him gobble up your investments.
Al Thomas' book, "If It Doesn't Go Up, Don't Buy It!" has helped thousands of people make money and keep their profits with his simple 2-step method. Read the first chapter at and discover why he's the man that Wall Street does not want you to know.
Shorting Stocks - The Basics, Part I of IIWhat does it mean to short a stock?This means that you borrow the stock from your broker to sell to a third party. The idea is to buy back the stock at a lower price, returning the shares to your broker while leaving the remaining cash in your account as a profit.
Shorting Stocks - The Basics, Part II of IIAfter the publication of the first part of this two part series, I had a few questions asking if shorting stocks is legal and I will quickly reply with a big YES. Some people believe that shorting shares of American companies is not patriotic or does not seem like the right thing to do.
Trading as a BusinessWhat can I expect to make my first year of trading?We get questions like this one quite often. We find that most aspiring traders don't have a clue as to what to expect from the market.
Bollinger Bands StrategiesThe Bollinger Band theory is designed to depict the volatility of a stock. It is quite simple, being composed of a simple moving average, and its upper and lower "bands" that are 2 standard deviations away.
Peer GroupsWhenever I see mutual fund comparisons in the trade publications and in the financial section of the newspaper they almost always mention a specific fund and tell you how good it is in relation to its peer group. A peer group is a specialized sector of mutual funds that all invest in about the same type of stocks or areas of the world or size of companies or some such categorization.
Why This Bear?People are constantly asking me why is the stock market going down. What is causing this bear market? It is relatively simple so don't ask an economist.
Kick The TiresBefore you buy another car you walk around the lot, kick the tires, slam the doors and look at the mileage indicator. That's an odometer.
How To Buy And HoldOne of the most believed bits of conventional wisdom from Wall Street is to Buy and Hold. Any stock or mutual fund should be put away for eternity and never sold.
Rebalance And DiversifyThe stock market has not been very kind to your investments lately. Your broker knows this so you may have received a call from him suggesting it is time to 'rebalance and diversify' your portfolio.
Social InsecurityJust about everything you have been told about Social Security is an obfuscation. That is a big word for convoluted truth or lie.
Risk ControlEverything you invest in has risk so you want to do your research before you put your money on the line.For example, when McDonald's opens a new restaurant (please, don't call it a hamburger joint) they will investigate as many of the relevant facts as possible.
Protect Your 401KChecked your 401K lately? Going back to about a year ago many of these retirement accounts have shrunk by 30%, some even more. What Happened?You have been putting money in for years and your employer may have been contributing to your plan also.
One Way StreetEver turn down a street, get half way and suddenly realize it is one way and you are going the wrong way? Is that the way you feel when you look at your stock brokerage statement?In either case don't panic. You can get out of that one way street by carefully backing out.
Top 25 Growth FundsOn Monday, November 25, 2000 Investor's Business Daily listed on page B1 the Top 25 Growth Mutual Funds for the last 36 months along with their performance for the year 2000 to date. Only four showed a profit this year of 21% and the other three had increases of 12%, 5%, and 5%.
How To Pick A Mutual FundMutual funds by definition are a mixed bag of stocks, bonds and a little cash. Their price per share is the NAV, Net Asset Value of the total amount of money in the mutual fund divided by the number of shares.
Forecasting the Stock Market
Every day I see in the financial section of newspapers how to forecast what the market will do in 6 months, 12 months, several years. "Ten stocks that will double in the next 6 months." Right! I have trouble trying to forecast what it will do tomorrow. Do not trust any who claims he knows what the future will be for the market.
Of course, your broker will send you gobs of slick material about various companies that predict they will double or triple in the next 12 months. On the New York Stock Exchange there will be about one half of one per cent (0.5%) of companies that will double this year. Are you smart enough to pick those winners? I'm not and I am considered a professional trader. And I am sure your broker isn't either. He just wants to make a commission and is probably promoting a stock his brokerage company wants to push.
Every investor wants to know the future and will send money to some "expert" who will send him news about a company that only (?) he knows. And pigs can fly. One thing about the market. It is almost impossible to keep a secret and everyone knows everything about other companies. As soon as some "analyst" finds a cogent fact that can influence a stock price he will share that "secret" with a few close friends. Within minutes the "secret" is known by hundreds of thousands and is immediately reflected in the price of the stock.
If you do get sucked into one of these money traps by some smooth-talking salesman or newspaper verbiage I strongly suggest you immediately plan your exit strategy. Without an exit plan you can easily lose a large amount of your "investment". This is not an investment; it is a gamble and should be treated as such. The first thought of any professional trader is 'if I am wrong how much am I willing to lose'? Maybe 2%, 5%, certainly no more than 10%. Pros understand that small losses are OK, but never take a big loss.
From 1982 to 2000 it seemed everyone was a financial genius. How many of those folks kept those big winnings from 2000? Almost none. Most lost 40% to 60% of their money. Brokers said, "Hang in there. You are in for the long haul". Unfortunately he did not tell you that Modern Portfolio Theory is based on a 40 year time line.
Yes, but understand you don't need to predict anything. Don't forecast. What you can easily learn is follow the major trend. You bought in 1982 and you sold out in 2000. The trend can be found in many ways with the simplest being posted every day in Investors Business Daily newspaper under the IBD Mutual Fund Index. When the Index price is above the 200-day moving average you own equities and when it is below you are in cash or bonds. Nothing complicated,
Don't try to forecast the market. Let the market trend tell you.
Al Thomas' book, "If It Doesn't Go Up, Don't Buy It!" has helped thousands of people make money and keep their profits with his simple 2-step method. Read the first chapter at and discover why he's the man that Wall Street does not want you to know.
Dividend Paying StocksI would like to share with the reader an article printed in the financial section of U.S.
Investing in the Stock Market - When To!Is really not as important as to how you invest in the stock market. And how you invest in the stock market should take into consideration what goals you are setting for that stock market investment.
High Price/Earnings Ratios and the Stock Market: a Personal OdysseyAfter some forty years of banking and investments, I retired in 2001. But since I do not golf, I soon found retirement to be very boring.
Forces that Move Stock PricesAmong the largest forces that affect stock prices are inflation, interest rates, bonds, commodities and currencies. At times the stock market suddenly reverses itself followed typically by published explanations phrased to suggest that the writer's keen observation allowed him to predict the market turn.
9 Deadly Trading Mistakes!The following are a list of nine things you want to avoid at all costs. Anyone of them can literally destroy your financial dreams and goals!1.
Making Outsized Returns in the Stock Market - Using the Dow TheoryThe Dow TheoryCharles H. DowRobert RheaE.
Basics of Stock MarketFinancial markets provide their participants with the most favorable conditions for purchase/sale of financial instruments they have inside. Their major functions are: guaranteeing liquidity, forming assets prices within establishing proposition and demand and decreasing of operational expenses, incurred by the participants of the market.
Planning Your Dive and Diving Your Plan - Trading!A colleague of mine just returned from a scuba diving trip in Cozumel, which just happens to be one of my favorite places to dive. Anyway, she was telling me about an unexpected difficulty she encountered while swimming around the corral reef down about 85 feet.
Trading Education: The Best of Both Worlds!I made my very first investment in the stock market when I was ten years old. Ever since then I have been hooked! Now I check out hundreds of trades each year with the same excitement andenthusiasm, and each time try to find that one market at the right time that could dramatically create wealth.
Historical Briefing: Stocks, Finance and MoneyThe World Bank claims that some two billion of the world's citizens live on $1 per day or less! That fact absolutely shocked me. With this statistic in mind it becomes important to focus on all of the things that have served as money over the history of civilization.
Oil Stocks CHK WLL - What Is Their Worth?(1) CHK stock price $16.74, NAV $32.
Defining a Long-Term Investment in the Stock MarketFor some "long term" would mean holding a stock position over the weekend. For others, it may mean holding a security for at least 1 year for the purpose of declaring a long-term capital gain, thus saving on taxes.
Analysts - Do They Really Know The Stock Market?When you become interested in a stock or mutual fund you can call your broker and he will send you reports on how the company is doing, what their management is like and what might be the projected earnings for the company and how the industry is doing. Great information.
Stock Chart ReadingAs an investor you will want to check out any equity before you buy it. Many investors go to Morningstar which is one of the largest providers of mutual fund information in the world.
Forecasting the Stock MarketEvery day I see in the financial section of newspapers how to forecast what the market will do in 6 months, 12 months, several years. "Ten stocks that will double in the next 6 months.
More Articles from Stocks & Mutual Funds Information: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Of course, your broker will send you gobs of slick material about various companies that predict they will double or triple in the next 12 months. On the New York Stock Exchange there will be about one half of one per cent (0.5%) of companies that will double this year. Are you smart enough to pick those winners? I'm not and I am considered a professional trader. And I am sure your broker isn't either. He just wants to make a commission and is probably promoting a stock his brokerage company wants to push.
Every investor wants to know the future and will send money to some "expert" who will send him news about a company that only (?) he knows. And pigs can fly. One thing about the market. It is almost impossible to keep a secret and everyone knows everything about other companies. As soon as some "analyst" finds a cogent fact that can influence a stock price he will share that "secret" with a few close friends. Within minutes the "secret" is known by hundreds of thousands and is immediately reflected in the price of the stock.
If you do get sucked into one of these money traps by some smooth-talking salesman or newspaper verbiage I strongly suggest you immediately plan your exit strategy. Without an exit plan you can easily lose a large amount of your "investment". This is not an investment; it is a gamble and should be treated as such. The first thought of any professional trader is 'if I am wrong how much am I willing to lose'? Maybe 2%, 5%, certainly no more than 10%. Pros understand that small losses are OK, but never take a big loss.
From 1982 to 2000 it seemed everyone was a financial genius. How many of those folks kept those big winnings from 2000? Almost none. Most lost 40% to 60% of their money. Brokers said, "Hang in there. You are in for the long haul". Unfortunately he did not tell you that Modern Portfolio Theory is based on a 40 year time line.
Yes, but understand you don't need to predict anything. Don't forecast. What you can easily learn is follow the major trend. You bought in 1982 and you sold out in 2000. The trend can be found in many ways with the simplest being posted every day in Investors Business Daily newspaper under the IBD Mutual Fund Index. When the Index price is above the 200-day moving average you own equities and when it is below you are in cash or bonds. Nothing complicated,
Don't try to forecast the market. Let the market trend tell you.
Al Thomas' book, "If It Doesn't Go Up, Don't Buy It!" has helped thousands of people make money and keep their profits with his simple 2-step method. Read the first chapter at and discover why he's the man that Wall Street does not want you to know.
Dividend Paying StocksI would like to share with the reader an article printed in the financial section of U.S.
Investing in the Stock Market - When To!Is really not as important as to how you invest in the stock market. And how you invest in the stock market should take into consideration what goals you are setting for that stock market investment.
High Price/Earnings Ratios and the Stock Market: a Personal OdysseyAfter some forty years of banking and investments, I retired in 2001. But since I do not golf, I soon found retirement to be very boring.
Forces that Move Stock PricesAmong the largest forces that affect stock prices are inflation, interest rates, bonds, commodities and currencies. At times the stock market suddenly reverses itself followed typically by published explanations phrased to suggest that the writer's keen observation allowed him to predict the market turn.
9 Deadly Trading Mistakes!The following are a list of nine things you want to avoid at all costs. Anyone of them can literally destroy your financial dreams and goals!1.
Making Outsized Returns in the Stock Market - Using the Dow TheoryThe Dow TheoryCharles H. DowRobert RheaE.
Basics of Stock MarketFinancial markets provide their participants with the most favorable conditions for purchase/sale of financial instruments they have inside. Their major functions are: guaranteeing liquidity, forming assets prices within establishing proposition and demand and decreasing of operational expenses, incurred by the participants of the market.
Planning Your Dive and Diving Your Plan - Trading!A colleague of mine just returned from a scuba diving trip in Cozumel, which just happens to be one of my favorite places to dive. Anyway, she was telling me about an unexpected difficulty she encountered while swimming around the corral reef down about 85 feet.
Trading Education: The Best of Both Worlds!I made my very first investment in the stock market when I was ten years old. Ever since then I have been hooked! Now I check out hundreds of trades each year with the same excitement andenthusiasm, and each time try to find that one market at the right time that could dramatically create wealth.
Historical Briefing: Stocks, Finance and MoneyThe World Bank claims that some two billion of the world's citizens live on $1 per day or less! That fact absolutely shocked me. With this statistic in mind it becomes important to focus on all of the things that have served as money over the history of civilization.
Oil Stocks CHK WLL - What Is Their Worth?(1) CHK stock price $16.74, NAV $32.
Defining a Long-Term Investment in the Stock MarketFor some "long term" would mean holding a stock position over the weekend. For others, it may mean holding a security for at least 1 year for the purpose of declaring a long-term capital gain, thus saving on taxes.
Analysts - Do They Really Know The Stock Market?When you become interested in a stock or mutual fund you can call your broker and he will send you reports on how the company is doing, what their management is like and what might be the projected earnings for the company and how the industry is doing. Great information.
Stock Chart ReadingAs an investor you will want to check out any equity before you buy it. Many investors go to Morningstar which is one of the largest providers of mutual fund information in the world.
Forecasting the Stock MarketEvery day I see in the financial section of newspapers how to forecast what the market will do in 6 months, 12 months, several years. "Ten stocks that will double in the next 6 months.
More Articles from Stocks & Mutual Funds Information: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
New Way to Elect Our President
As we watch the Presidential primaries undoubtably there is discussion about our current system for determining our leaders. Here's a new idea for discussion. Let the primaries determine the party's choice as candidate for President , without a VP. Then as we go to the final polls let the popular vote, the real voice of the American people, determine the president and the number two vote receipiant in the popular vote becomes the V.P, That way we get balance between the parties, and they will need to work together. I'm of the opinion that this is a better way to select our leadership and a more efficient and honest way to have representation of the people. Any opinions out there?
Monday, August 25, 2008
The Greatest Bailout of All Time
The Greatest Bailout of All Time by Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D.
We are now witnessing a rapid-fire 1-2-3 chain reaction of events that's leading to the greatest government bailout of all time ...
Event #1. In the mortgage market, where this crisis first erupted, nearly half of all subprime loans issued in 2006 are now delinquent ... late payments on mid-quality "Alt-A" mortgages have soared 41.5% ... and delinquencies on prime jumbo mortgages are up a staggering 55.2% in the past 6 months.
Event #2. At Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, responsible for over half of the nation's massive mortgage market, losses are mounting so quickly — and so obviously — that even their supposedly "safer" preferred shares are crashing in value:
As you can plainly see in the charts above, since their mid-May high, Fannie Mae's preferred shares (NYSE: FNM PH) are down a shocking 58.8%, falling almost as quickly as the common shares, which have lost 77% of their value.
Freddie Mac's preferred shares (NYSE: FRE PK) have plunged even more: Down 65.5%. (The Freddie common shares, meanwhile, have suffered an 89.6% wash-out!)
And all of this has happened just since May 15, a meager 102 days ago! All in two giant companies that were the darlings of Wall Street, the creation of Washington and supposedly among the most "conservative" investments in the world!
Event #3. At financial institutions across the country, these devastating losses in Fannie and Freddie paper are ripping through balance sheets like an F-5 tornado. That includes:
Sovereign Bank, the third largest savings and loan in the United States. In our "X" List video, we listed it as a prime candidate for bankruptcy because of its D+ rating and its big exposure to mortgages. Now, it's been revealed that Sovereign has a $632 million stake in Fannie and Freddie preferred shares — the same shares that have lost about two-thirds of their value just since May 15.
Hundreds of other banks and thrifts. They were encouraged by banking regulators to buy billions of dollars in similar Freddie and Freddie preferred shares. In fact, the regulators thought these investments were so reliable, they let the banks use them for capital that's required as a cushion against loan losses. They even allowed banks to take a tax break on 70% of these securities!
Countless U.S. brokerage firms, life and health insurers, property and casualty insurers. Some are in good shape. But many have loaded up with similar investments.
Major financial institutions overseas.
All assumed these shares were safe. All believed they were getting something akin to a government-guaranteed investment. All could be severely disappointed when they discover the truth.
Why a Federal Bailout IsBoth Inevitable and Imminent ...But Preferred Shareholders Could Be Very Disappointed
Last week, we heard a feverish crescendo of denials: At Fannie and Freddie, high-ranking company officials vehemently denied they were asking for a government bailout. At the Treasury Department, officials vehemently denied they were providing one. And everywhere, the more they denied, the more it was obvious that a bailout was both inevitable and imminent.
The big dilemma: In any federal bailout of this nature, if the government uses taxpayer dollars to support the value of high-ranking securities (like bonds), it simultaneously destroys the remaining value of the lowest-ranking securities (like common and preferred shares).
Because the kind of government bailout that's expected is, in itself, a tacit recognition that the companies are bankrupt. And if the companies are bankrupt, it means that, by definition, the shares in the company are worthless.
Right now, banks stuck with Fannie and Freddie preferred shares are hoping for a miracle. Since government regulators encouraged them to buy the Fannie and Freddie preferred shares in the first place, they're praying they will get some consideration.
Sure, these banks and other preferred shareholders are one rank above common shareholders in the pecking order of investors clamoring for a piece of whatever's left over. But they are also two ranks below senior debt holders.
Here's why I think they will be sorely disappointed: Just to bail out Fannie and Freddie's senior debt holders will be such a massive undertaking for the government, it's hard to imagine that there will be much money left over for preferred shareholders.
Moreover, given the magnitude of the collapse in the preferred shares that has taken place just since May 15, even if the government throws them a bone, it will hardly be enough to make up for all the losses they've already suffered in their Fannie and Freddie preferred shares.
End result: A Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bailout may give temporary relief to some investors. But it will merely spread chaos among most others.
The Catch-22 Question: Where Does The FederalGovernment Draw The Line?
If the government bails out Fannie and Freddie, will it strictly provide temporary loans of Treasury securities like it has done with the big brokers? Or will it use taxpayer money to inject the permanent capital these companies now require for their long-term survival?
The temporary cash loans require little or no political debate. The Fed acts. The money comes. But the long-term capital investment opens up a pandora's box of objections from Congressional Republicans and Democrats fearful of a mass taxpayer rebellion right on the eve of a major election. Under enough pressure and duress, some money is bound to be forthcoming. But it's bound to have strings attached, including caps, time limits and other restrictions.
No matter what, any bailout will unleash a series of new questions with no answers:
What about Ford, GM and Chrysler?
Think a government bailout for Detroit is far-fetched? The auto executives certainly don't. In fact, just this past Friday, the Wall Street Journal reported that lobbyists for Detroit's Big Three were crowding into the offices of White House officials, U.S. Rep. John Dingell and other Michigan Democrats, giving them a heads up on a bailout proposal to be unveiled after Labor Day.
They want $25 billion in loans. They want to get the money for a cut-rate interest of just 4.5%, one-third what they're now paying. They even want the option to defer any and all payments for up to five years.
With their fortunes sinking fast, and with the nation's major brokers and mortgage lenders already needing handouts, Ford, GM and Chrysler have apparently decided to stake out their place on Uncle Sam's bread line before it gets too much longer.
What about the nation's airlines seeking to make an emergency crash landing?
What about the thousands of local governments that could soon be forced to cut essential services like waste collection or even homeland security?
What about brokers like Lehman Brothers, now scrambling for a foreign white knight to come to its rescue?
What about the big banks we told you about in The "X" List?
Like Fannie and Freddie, each and every one will make the argument that they're critical to the health of the economy and even national defense. All will want cash, loan guarantees, or direct capital injections.
Where will the government draw the line? How will it justify bailouts for some "absolutely essential" private companies but not others?
The answer, my friend, will surprise you.
Even with a Government Rescue,Fannie and Freddie Bond Investors Are STILL in Grave Jeopardy Because ...
1. The quantities of Fannie and Freddie bonds outstanding and needing government support are so massive. According to the Federal Reserve's recently released Flow of Funds (pdf page 96), agency- and GSE-backed securities — mostly issued by Fannie and Freddie — total a whopping $7.6 trillion, or $2.4 trillion MORE than the entire amount of Treasury securities outstanding.
2. These agency- and GSE-backed debts are held so widely around the world, no one in government can control who dumps what, how much, or when. U.S. Commercial banks hold $1 trillion.Insurance companies own another $518 billion. Broker and dealers own $268 billion. Foreign investors hold a whopping $1.5 trillion!
All it takes is for these investors to liquidate 10% of their holdings and the avalanche of supplies on the market would sink their value regardless of the government's efforts to shore up confidence in Fannie and Freddie.
3. Federal bailouts will sink the wobbly market for U.S. Treasury bonds. When private companies are failing, investors rush to the safety of the U.S. Treasury securities. But when the Treasury throws their money into failing companies, investors rush the other way.
Result: To the degree that the government bails out Fannie, Freddie, Detroit, Wall Street, or anyone else, investors in Treasury securities will rebel, dump their own holdings and drive the value of Treasury bonds into a tailspin like none other in history.
And here again, the quantities outstanding are massive ($5.3 trillion) ... the ownership worldwide is far-flung (including nearly half overseas) ... and the ability of the government to control the market, virtually nil.
So, yes, right now, the U.S. Treasury may come to the rescue of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac debt holders, and these investors will rejoice.
But ultimately, in order to avoid a collapse in U.S. Treasury bonds themselves, the U.S. government will have to
Draw a line in the sand beyond which no more government rescues will be possible.
Let some of America's largest banks, brokers and other companies fail, liquidate their assets, and fade into history ...
Even abandon prior rescue efforts for the sake of saving the one institution it must keep solvent and liquid at all costs: The United States Government itself.
Your best course of action ...
Step 1.Get your savings out of danger and to safety immediately!
We showed you exactly how in our "X" List video.
If you missed it, turn up your computer speakers and click here to watch it now.
Several banks and one brokerage firm on our list are already failing. Others are likely to follow.
Step 2.Clean out your portfolioof financial stocks!
Over three years ago, in April of 2005, we told our Safe Money subscribers to avoid financial stocks like the plague. We even published a list of stocks to get the heck out of immediately. (See the exact reprint of the list at left.)
Nor were we just panning some fly-by-night upstarts. We were telling investors to sell the nation's biggest mortgage lenders like Countrywide Financial, New Century Financial and Washington Mutual ... the largest builders like Beazer Homes, D.R. Horton, and Toll Brothers ... even Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The pundits said we were nuts. But the results prove otherwise:
Price in April 2005 When we said "SELL"
Latest Price*
% Change
Aames Investment Corp
Accredited Home Lenders
Beazer Homes USA Inc
Countrywide Financial Corp
D.R. Horton Inc
Fannie Mae
Fidelity National
Freddie Mac
Fremont General Corp
General Motors Corp
Golden West Financial Corp
H&R Block Inc
KB Home
MDC Holdings Inc
MGIC Investment Corp
New Century Financial Corp
Novastar Financial Inc
PHH Corp
PMI Group Inc
Pulte Homes Inc
Radian Group Inc
Ryland Group Inc
Toll Brothers Inc
Washington Mutual Inc
Wells Fargo & Company
* For companies still trading, reflects closing price of 8/20/08. If companies that failed or were taken over, reflects last price at that time.
Since that time, almost all of the stocks we panned have crashed and burned:
Countrywide Financial has fallen 86.6% ...
New Century Financial shareholders have been 100% wiped out, and ...
Washington Mutual investors have seen 89.6% of their money go down the drain.
What about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, now at the core of the crisis? They were also on our April 2005 list of financial stocks to dump. And since that date, their common shares have fallen 91.7% and 94.7%, respectively.
With these huge declines, you may think it's now too late to sell your remaining financial stocks. But the fact is, many are still trading at absurdly high price levels. And even those that have been beaten to a pulp could fall another 80% or 90% in value.
Step 3. If you have other assets at risk — stocks, real estate or business properties — hedge against possibly devastating losses ahead with inverse ETFs in the weakest stock market sectors. Or better yet, if you've cleaned out all of your vulnerable assets, use those same ETFs to turn this dramatic situation into an equally dramatic profit opportunity.
We have a new set of urgent recommendations going to our Safe Money subscribers tomorrow afternoon. So if you want to get them, your deadline for signing up is 12 Noon Eastern Time. Click here to join now. Or click here for our complete report on this opportunity.
Good luck and God bless!
About Money and Markets
For more information and archived issues, visit
Money and Markets (MaM) is published by Weiss Research, Inc. and written by Martin D. Weiss along with Tony Sagami, Nilus Mattive, Sean Brodrick, Larry Edelson, Michael Larson and Jack Crooks. To avoid conflicts of interest, Weiss Research and its staff do not hold positions in companies recommended in MaM, nor do we accept any compensation for such recommendations. The comments, graphs, forecasts, and indices published in MaM are based upon data whose accuracy is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Performance returns cited are derived from our best estimates but must be considered hypothetical in as much as we do not track the actual prices investors pay or receive. Regular contributors and staff include Kristen Adams, Andrea Baumwald, John Burke, Amber Dakar, Dinesh Kalera, Christina Kern, Red Morgan, Maryellen Murphy, Jennifer Newman-Amos, Adam Shafer, Julie Trudeau and Leslie Underwood.
Attention editors and publishers! Money and Markets issues can be republished. Republished issues MUST include attribution of the author(s) and the following short paragraph:
This investment news is brought to you by Money and Markets. Money and Markets is a free daily investment newsletter from Martin D. Weiss and Weiss Research analysts offering the latest investing news and financial insights for the stock market, including tips and advice on investing in gold, energy and oil. Dr. Weiss is a leader in the fields of investing, interest rates, financial safety and economic forecasting. To view archives or subscribe, visit
We are now witnessing a rapid-fire 1-2-3 chain reaction of events that's leading to the greatest government bailout of all time ...
Event #1. In the mortgage market, where this crisis first erupted, nearly half of all subprime loans issued in 2006 are now delinquent ... late payments on mid-quality "Alt-A" mortgages have soared 41.5% ... and delinquencies on prime jumbo mortgages are up a staggering 55.2% in the past 6 months.
Event #2. At Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, responsible for over half of the nation's massive mortgage market, losses are mounting so quickly — and so obviously — that even their supposedly "safer" preferred shares are crashing in value:
As you can plainly see in the charts above, since their mid-May high, Fannie Mae's preferred shares (NYSE: FNM PH) are down a shocking 58.8%, falling almost as quickly as the common shares, which have lost 77% of their value.
Freddie Mac's preferred shares (NYSE: FRE PK) have plunged even more: Down 65.5%. (The Freddie common shares, meanwhile, have suffered an 89.6% wash-out!)
And all of this has happened just since May 15, a meager 102 days ago! All in two giant companies that were the darlings of Wall Street, the creation of Washington and supposedly among the most "conservative" investments in the world!
Event #3. At financial institutions across the country, these devastating losses in Fannie and Freddie paper are ripping through balance sheets like an F-5 tornado. That includes:
Sovereign Bank, the third largest savings and loan in the United States. In our "X" List video, we listed it as a prime candidate for bankruptcy because of its D+ rating and its big exposure to mortgages. Now, it's been revealed that Sovereign has a $632 million stake in Fannie and Freddie preferred shares — the same shares that have lost about two-thirds of their value just since May 15.
Hundreds of other banks and thrifts. They were encouraged by banking regulators to buy billions of dollars in similar Freddie and Freddie preferred shares. In fact, the regulators thought these investments were so reliable, they let the banks use them for capital that's required as a cushion against loan losses. They even allowed banks to take a tax break on 70% of these securities!
Countless U.S. brokerage firms, life and health insurers, property and casualty insurers. Some are in good shape. But many have loaded up with similar investments.
Major financial institutions overseas.
All assumed these shares were safe. All believed they were getting something akin to a government-guaranteed investment. All could be severely disappointed when they discover the truth.
Why a Federal Bailout IsBoth Inevitable and Imminent ...But Preferred Shareholders Could Be Very Disappointed
Last week, we heard a feverish crescendo of denials: At Fannie and Freddie, high-ranking company officials vehemently denied they were asking for a government bailout. At the Treasury Department, officials vehemently denied they were providing one. And everywhere, the more they denied, the more it was obvious that a bailout was both inevitable and imminent.
The big dilemma: In any federal bailout of this nature, if the government uses taxpayer dollars to support the value of high-ranking securities (like bonds), it simultaneously destroys the remaining value of the lowest-ranking securities (like common and preferred shares).
Because the kind of government bailout that's expected is, in itself, a tacit recognition that the companies are bankrupt. And if the companies are bankrupt, it means that, by definition, the shares in the company are worthless.
Right now, banks stuck with Fannie and Freddie preferred shares are hoping for a miracle. Since government regulators encouraged them to buy the Fannie and Freddie preferred shares in the first place, they're praying they will get some consideration.
Sure, these banks and other preferred shareholders are one rank above common shareholders in the pecking order of investors clamoring for a piece of whatever's left over. But they are also two ranks below senior debt holders.
Here's why I think they will be sorely disappointed: Just to bail out Fannie and Freddie's senior debt holders will be such a massive undertaking for the government, it's hard to imagine that there will be much money left over for preferred shareholders.
Moreover, given the magnitude of the collapse in the preferred shares that has taken place just since May 15, even if the government throws them a bone, it will hardly be enough to make up for all the losses they've already suffered in their Fannie and Freddie preferred shares.
End result: A Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bailout may give temporary relief to some investors. But it will merely spread chaos among most others.
The Catch-22 Question: Where Does The FederalGovernment Draw The Line?
If the government bails out Fannie and Freddie, will it strictly provide temporary loans of Treasury securities like it has done with the big brokers? Or will it use taxpayer money to inject the permanent capital these companies now require for their long-term survival?
The temporary cash loans require little or no political debate. The Fed acts. The money comes. But the long-term capital investment opens up a pandora's box of objections from Congressional Republicans and Democrats fearful of a mass taxpayer rebellion right on the eve of a major election. Under enough pressure and duress, some money is bound to be forthcoming. But it's bound to have strings attached, including caps, time limits and other restrictions.
No matter what, any bailout will unleash a series of new questions with no answers:
What about Ford, GM and Chrysler?
Think a government bailout for Detroit is far-fetched? The auto executives certainly don't. In fact, just this past Friday, the Wall Street Journal reported that lobbyists for Detroit's Big Three were crowding into the offices of White House officials, U.S. Rep. John Dingell and other Michigan Democrats, giving them a heads up on a bailout proposal to be unveiled after Labor Day.
They want $25 billion in loans. They want to get the money for a cut-rate interest of just 4.5%, one-third what they're now paying. They even want the option to defer any and all payments for up to five years.
With their fortunes sinking fast, and with the nation's major brokers and mortgage lenders already needing handouts, Ford, GM and Chrysler have apparently decided to stake out their place on Uncle Sam's bread line before it gets too much longer.
What about the nation's airlines seeking to make an emergency crash landing?
What about the thousands of local governments that could soon be forced to cut essential services like waste collection or even homeland security?
What about brokers like Lehman Brothers, now scrambling for a foreign white knight to come to its rescue?
What about the big banks we told you about in The "X" List?
Like Fannie and Freddie, each and every one will make the argument that they're critical to the health of the economy and even national defense. All will want cash, loan guarantees, or direct capital injections.
Where will the government draw the line? How will it justify bailouts for some "absolutely essential" private companies but not others?
The answer, my friend, will surprise you.
Even with a Government Rescue,Fannie and Freddie Bond Investors Are STILL in Grave Jeopardy Because ...
1. The quantities of Fannie and Freddie bonds outstanding and needing government support are so massive. According to the Federal Reserve's recently released Flow of Funds (pdf page 96), agency- and GSE-backed securities — mostly issued by Fannie and Freddie — total a whopping $7.6 trillion, or $2.4 trillion MORE than the entire amount of Treasury securities outstanding.
2. These agency- and GSE-backed debts are held so widely around the world, no one in government can control who dumps what, how much, or when. U.S. Commercial banks hold $1 trillion.Insurance companies own another $518 billion. Broker and dealers own $268 billion. Foreign investors hold a whopping $1.5 trillion!
All it takes is for these investors to liquidate 10% of their holdings and the avalanche of supplies on the market would sink their value regardless of the government's efforts to shore up confidence in Fannie and Freddie.
3. Federal bailouts will sink the wobbly market for U.S. Treasury bonds. When private companies are failing, investors rush to the safety of the U.S. Treasury securities. But when the Treasury throws their money into failing companies, investors rush the other way.
Result: To the degree that the government bails out Fannie, Freddie, Detroit, Wall Street, or anyone else, investors in Treasury securities will rebel, dump their own holdings and drive the value of Treasury bonds into a tailspin like none other in history.
And here again, the quantities outstanding are massive ($5.3 trillion) ... the ownership worldwide is far-flung (including nearly half overseas) ... and the ability of the government to control the market, virtually nil.
So, yes, right now, the U.S. Treasury may come to the rescue of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac debt holders, and these investors will rejoice.
But ultimately, in order to avoid a collapse in U.S. Treasury bonds themselves, the U.S. government will have to
Draw a line in the sand beyond which no more government rescues will be possible.
Let some of America's largest banks, brokers and other companies fail, liquidate their assets, and fade into history ...
Even abandon prior rescue efforts for the sake of saving the one institution it must keep solvent and liquid at all costs: The United States Government itself.
Your best course of action ...
Step 1.Get your savings out of danger and to safety immediately!
We showed you exactly how in our "X" List video.
If you missed it, turn up your computer speakers and click here to watch it now.
Several banks and one brokerage firm on our list are already failing. Others are likely to follow.
Step 2.Clean out your portfolioof financial stocks!
Over three years ago, in April of 2005, we told our Safe Money subscribers to avoid financial stocks like the plague. We even published a list of stocks to get the heck out of immediately. (See the exact reprint of the list at left.)
Nor were we just panning some fly-by-night upstarts. We were telling investors to sell the nation's biggest mortgage lenders like Countrywide Financial, New Century Financial and Washington Mutual ... the largest builders like Beazer Homes, D.R. Horton, and Toll Brothers ... even Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The pundits said we were nuts. But the results prove otherwise:
Price in April 2005 When we said "SELL"
Latest Price*
% Change
Aames Investment Corp
Accredited Home Lenders
Beazer Homes USA Inc
Countrywide Financial Corp
D.R. Horton Inc
Fannie Mae
Fidelity National
Freddie Mac
Fremont General Corp
General Motors Corp
Golden West Financial Corp
H&R Block Inc
KB Home
MDC Holdings Inc
MGIC Investment Corp
New Century Financial Corp
Novastar Financial Inc
PHH Corp
PMI Group Inc
Pulte Homes Inc
Radian Group Inc
Ryland Group Inc
Toll Brothers Inc
Washington Mutual Inc
Wells Fargo & Company
* For companies still trading, reflects closing price of 8/20/08. If companies that failed or were taken over, reflects last price at that time.
Since that time, almost all of the stocks we panned have crashed and burned:
Countrywide Financial has fallen 86.6% ...
New Century Financial shareholders have been 100% wiped out, and ...
Washington Mutual investors have seen 89.6% of their money go down the drain.
What about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, now at the core of the crisis? They were also on our April 2005 list of financial stocks to dump. And since that date, their common shares have fallen 91.7% and 94.7%, respectively.
With these huge declines, you may think it's now too late to sell your remaining financial stocks. But the fact is, many are still trading at absurdly high price levels. And even those that have been beaten to a pulp could fall another 80% or 90% in value.
Step 3. If you have other assets at risk — stocks, real estate or business properties — hedge against possibly devastating losses ahead with inverse ETFs in the weakest stock market sectors. Or better yet, if you've cleaned out all of your vulnerable assets, use those same ETFs to turn this dramatic situation into an equally dramatic profit opportunity.
We have a new set of urgent recommendations going to our Safe Money subscribers tomorrow afternoon. So if you want to get them, your deadline for signing up is 12 Noon Eastern Time. Click here to join now. Or click here for our complete report on this opportunity.
Good luck and God bless!
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Money and Markets (MaM) is published by Weiss Research, Inc. and written by Martin D. Weiss along with Tony Sagami, Nilus Mattive, Sean Brodrick, Larry Edelson, Michael Larson and Jack Crooks. To avoid conflicts of interest, Weiss Research and its staff do not hold positions in companies recommended in MaM, nor do we accept any compensation for such recommendations. The comments, graphs, forecasts, and indices published in MaM are based upon data whose accuracy is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Performance returns cited are derived from our best estimates but must be considered hypothetical in as much as we do not track the actual prices investors pay or receive. Regular contributors and staff include Kristen Adams, Andrea Baumwald, John Burke, Amber Dakar, Dinesh Kalera, Christina Kern, Red Morgan, Maryellen Murphy, Jennifer Newman-Amos, Adam Shafer, Julie Trudeau and Leslie Underwood.
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This investment news is brought to you by Money and Markets. Money and Markets is a free daily investment newsletter from Martin D. Weiss and Weiss Research analysts offering the latest investing news and financial insights for the stock market, including tips and advice on investing in gold, energy and oil. Dr. Weiss is a leader in the fields of investing, interest rates, financial safety and economic forecasting. To view archives or subscribe, visit
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Leaders Can Bring Out the Best in Others
10 Smart Ways Leaders Can Bring Out the Best in Others
You are a leader. Everyone is a leader. It doesn't matter if your title is Chairman of the Board or 3rd Assistant to the Supply Room Manager, you lead every time you influence others to do what you want. It's a skill that starts at birth (doesn't a newborn baby run her house?). As a smart adult, you have refined your natural leadership skills in order to influence others to willingly do what you want.
Here is a list of 10 smart ways leaders can bring out the best in others. See how well developed your leadership skills are. Give yourself 1 point for each that you already do.
1. Instead of saying you care, show them.
2. Have a vision and inspire people by staying true to your vision.
3. Be passionate when talking about your vision.
4. Clearly communicate to others how you expect them to fulfill that vision.
5. Listen to their concerns.
6. Communicate how following your vision benefits them.
7. Surround yourself with people who are "wind beneath your wings" and, as best you can, eliminate or minimize contact with people who bring you down.
8. Delegate tasks that help others discover and maximize their talents.
9. Show appreciation -- a sincere, written "thank you" can be a major (and no cost) motivator.
10. Keep your word.
I hope you're a perfect 10. Practicing these 10 smart ways leaders can bring out the best in others will encourage people to do what you want and cause them to remark that you are a natural-born leader.
Doug Smart is the coauthor of "Irresistible Leadership." He is a management development consultant, professional speaker, and host of the daily motivational radio show, "Smarter by the Minute." For more information, email Copyright 2005 by Doug Smart
Why the Squirrel Kept Winning!The Death of PotentialReinventing Failure: Designing SuccessTop 25 Leadership QuotationsLeadership Skills - 10 Ways to Beef UpChoose Your Best Life: Where Are Your Choices Leading You?Three Growth Guidelines from Stephen CoveyFive Steps Towards Greater Self ConfidenceExceptional Leadership Inspires the Best Effort in OthersSecrets of Creating Success with Ease5 Human Capital Asset Enrichment Strategies for Leaders!Are You Playing or Practicing Leadership?5 Leadership Power Principles!7 Awesome Leadership Power Generators!Three Factors Of Leadership MotivationThe Greatest Leaders Are Often The Worst LeadersVisions of LeadershipHaving Fun In LeadershipLeadership - Connect to Engage!Leadership - L.P.B It!Embracing Adversity for AchievementChris Top 7 Favorite Leadership BooksThe Ten Commandments of LeadershipLeadership A Perspective From TaoThe Challenge to LeadLeadership PrepLeader is Not a TitleCharacter Traits of Extraordinary LeadersCommon Mistakes Extraordinary Leaders Dont MakeTop Skills Of Extraordinary LeadersThe Best Ways To Multiply The Extraordinary Leadership in Your OrganizationBeing an Extraordinary Leader Through Tough and Challenging Times3 Elements of Leadership Power!E=MC - Is It In Me?7 Core Elements Of Your Vivid Vision!5 Power Keys For Leadership Success!Mr. Shoaffs Simple Strategies to Success7 Excellent Ways To Improve Your Leadership Skills!Dont Be a ComplainerThe Qualities of Skillful LeadershipA Whack Up Long Side The Head Of Human Resources: The Leadership ImperativeThoughtleading: The Art of Separating Yourself from the Pack10 Smart Ways Leaders Can Bring Out the Best in OthersCelebrating Successes: The Power Of ComplimentsLeadership Like Water-Water Canoeing10 Ways to Develop Your Latent LeaderLeadership and Followership in a Team SettingDont be Afraid to Lead!Leaders Click It" Into Gear!A Winning Choice for Leadership!BIG-3 Leadership!Leadership - Push vs. Pull?Creating Unlimited Belief for Success!What Kind of Leader Are You?Leadership In The Zone!Awaken the Leader in You: 10 Easy Steps To Develop Your Leadership SkillsYou Make The DifferenceThe Leader WithinTo be, or Not to be (Average)?Get What You Want - Negotiating Skills for the Timid!Leadership and Change in a Holographic UniverseLead People...Manage ThingsPrecious MomentsThe Seven Secrets to New Age LeadershipLeadership: Wisdom of the AgesGive Your Valentine A Very Special Gift - EmpowermentThe Power of the Leader Within - The Keys to Martial Arts Life Mastery, Key#1A Lasting Leadership Lesson: How One Leadership Talk By George Washington Saved The RevolutionWhy Not Lead With Emotions?Who Is Randy Gage and Why Is He One of My Mentors and Heroes?Lessons In Leadership: What Not To Do... From A Canoe!10 Attributes of Effective Strategic Leaders!Teen View of Leadership From Around the World3 Aspects of Developing Leadership SkillsTo Be An Effective Leader, Do A Check-up From The Neck UpThe Top 10 Questions for Socially Responsible LeadersWanted: A Dictionary-Perfect LeaderMake the Most of Your Mentoring RelationshipsQuality LeadershipThe Sink Or Swim Approach To LeadershipPeek Inside The Heads of Amazingly Successful LeadersLeadership Skills and AbilityBuilding Self Confidence3 Cs Leaders Must Communicate!Leadership Training Seminar - What Makes A Great Leader?Get Angry And Then Get ResultsLeadership, Self-Development, and the Committment to GrowthHidden Self ConfidencePartnership: Choose It or Lose ItAll You Really Want Is Feeling GoodIn Leadership, Good Enough Is Pretty BadIt's Not All About Cheese: The Missing Component in Employee Development (Part 1)Abe Lincoln: An Extraordinary LeaderCharismatic LeadershipAre You a Good Manager or a Great Leader?Heres The REAL Reason Bush Won: The Dark Night Of The Leadership SoulWomen in Leadership - How to Get PromotedBeyond Authority: Debunking the Top 3 Leadership MythsMentors and Coaches: How to Be A Great MentorTwo Vital Abilities Any Leader Must Have5 Tips to Help You Win Big & Become a Village HeroThe Three Factors of Leadership Motivation3 Es For Leaders - Engage, Empower, Encourage!3 Ds For Leadership Action... Dedicate, Direct, Dialogue!Take the Road Less TraveledPeople Problems -- Understanding the Dueling ParadigmsTrust - The Most Vital Component in LeadershipPeople or Objects? - - You DecideWho Needs Heroes?Ten Ways Women Can Visualize Themselves As LeadersTransformational LeadershipHow To Get To Know A Disabled PersonThe Six Essential Leadership AttributesCharacter -- Why It Matters In LeadersAct on Some of the FactsLeadership Lessons from Pope John Paul IIThe Four Laws Of Leadership (Part One)The Four Laws Of Leadership (Part Two)Leadership Skills: Four Ways of Overcoming PerfectionismOn Being A Born LeaderGetting Things Done, Without the Sweat!A Leader's Ultimate Goal - Connect to Engage!Leadership Is Power: Test Your EthicsRecommended Books on Leadership and Team BuildingLeadership Skill TrainingThe Happy JarLeadership Success and its Greatest Barrier: the Law of AdministriviaLeadership Styles and What We Need For the Future:Why You Should Ignore This AdviceEvil, Hostile Grumpy Listeners? Think AgainReveal the Leader WithinMentor? Who Needs A Mentor?Extraordinary People in Mediocre TimesFive Surprisingly Hip Politicial Ideas From PlatoLeading In The Face Of DisasterWould Socrates Be A Celebrity Today?How To Party Like Leonardo Da VinciFrom Failure To Victory; The Cats Out Of The Bag!The Personality of LeadershipThe Essence of LeadershipA Call to Men to Live a Strenuous Life!Develop a We Focus And Not a Me FocusFive Things Smart Leaders Do to Lower The Barriers To ChangeManaging Monsters in Meetings - Part 7, Personal AttacksManaging Monsters in Meetings - Part 6, Deadlocked DiscussionsManaging Monsters in Meetings - Part 5, Dominant ParticipantsManaging Monsters in Meetings - Part 4, Quiet ParticipantsManaging Monsters in Meetings - Part 3, Drifting From the TopicManaging Monsters in Meetings - Part 2, Multiple ConversationsManaging Monsters in Meetings - Part 1, General Strategies for Unproductive BehaviorThe Defining Moment: The Straw That Stirs The Drink Of Motivational Leadership (Part One)The Defining Moment: The Straw That Stirs The Drink Of Motivational Leadership (Part Two)Leadership - Passion, Purpose, Profit - Its Not That HardIt Begins Like ThisLeadership Development and Jumping Out of AirshipsTough Times Demand Resilient LeadersLeadership Challenges: The Walls In Our LivesChoose To Become An EncouragerAlways Be Open To LearningUNCLOS III Process modelBusiness Leadership: How Much is in Your Credibility Bank Account?Leadership Skills Training Empowers Problem-solving and VisioningLeadership is About Growing Others - Its Not About You!Leadership Training: The Bit They Didn't Tell You About Changing!None of Us Arrived with an Owners Manual: A Fresh Perspective on the Drive to Lead (part 2)Introduction to the The Enneagram as a Leadership ToolLeadership Activity: How Leadership Agenda, Strategy, and Behaviors Shape Your Success!Communication Skills & Leadership - Organizational Communications Processes in Leadership ActivityFather Knows BestBoy Scouts of America and Leadership CoachingCoaching a LeaderThe Three Essential Attributes of a Leader: The Demonstrated AbilitiesA Blueprint for Leadership - How to Be a Better LeaderThe Code of the Conference LeaderLeadership For Deep Results: Without Them Are You Wasting Your Leadership And Your Life? (Part One)Leadership For Deep Results: Without Them Are You Wasting Your Leadership And Your Life? (Part Two)Leadership Tips From My DadThe Three Essential Attributes of a Leader: (Part 2) Bringing Others to the VisionMake The Elephant Jump -- Leading With A Kind HeartDissolving Conflict Through ReframingIn Leadership, Dreams Are The Stuff That Great Results Are Made OfThe Seven Army Values - Theyre Not Just For The MilitaryCareer Advice for Business Leaders: Empowering OthersThe Synergy EffectIn Leadership, Identifying Dreams That Lead To Great ResultsThe Tao of LeadershipYour Ultimate Leadership Feedback Loop: Their LeadershipThe Three Faces of LeadershipCub Scout Leader Outdoor ExperienceStand Out as a Leader, Do 5 Things Better! Number One: Improve the Quality of Your Decision Making!What Every Manager Should Know About How to See the Talents of Effective LeadersThe SAMMER Test: Leading People To Get The Right Results At the Right Time In The Right WaySupervisor Training: Helpful Tips to Lead Your PackEffective Listening Equals Effective Leadership: Learn How!Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain!Listening Like a LeaderF2 LeadershipIn Leadership, The Eight Ways Of Right Action (Part 1)In Leadership, The Eight Ways Of Right Action (Part 2)Two Leadership Traps: How To Get Out Of Them and How To Avoid Them (Part 1)Two Leadership Traps: How To Avoid Them and How To Get Out Of Them (Part 2)LeadershipUsing Your IntuitionAre You The Most Powerful Leader You Can Be?C4 Leadership: Taking Your Leadership (and your Life) from Good...To Explosive!Birth Order - Understand How It Affects Your PersonalityThe Seven Mistakes to Avoid when Organising Your Student Leadership ProgramLeadership and Power - Being the Boss Doesnt Guarantee Either of ThemAre You A Leader in the Chrysalis?Leadership for the Successful Entrepreneur!The Leadership VacuumDream Bigger!Being Other FocusedLeadership and The Dirty WorkLeadership Training and CharacterEffective Leaders are (#1) ConceptualEffective Leaders are (#2) TechnicalEffective Leaders are (#3) CommunicativeStepping Into Leadership and Being The Source Of Your SuccessSteps to Becoming a Good LeaderBuilding Future LeadersAsking for HelpLeadership Development for SuccessStrengthening Leadership Development with EmployeesBuilding Teams and TeamworkWisdom From The RockMiraculous LeadershipThe Leadership Talk As A Living HologramAre You a Leader or a Manager?A Good Leader Knows The Teams ColoursThe Leadership Strategy: An Unmined Comstock Lode of ResultsTen Qualities Of A Great Leader - Plus 1What Kind of Leader Are You?What Does Exceptional Business Success Require of Us?Real Charisma, Clinton StyleWhat Makes A Good Leader? Ask Uncle SamBlowing Your Own Leadership HornBenefits of Leadership Skill TrainingThe Flexible Leadership WorkshopThe Goals of Leadership Coaching and PartnershipsFighting the Gravitational Pull of Positional LeadershipPure DisciplineWeakness, Struggle, Fear, Knowledge, Growth, Courage, LeaderThe Incandescence Of The Human SpiritThe Compassion ParadoxAsk Yourself Whats In It For WE?Leadership: Seed or Fruit?How to Become a Great Leader & Improve Your Leadership SkillsTen Characteristics of LeadershipSeven Personal Characteristics Of A Good LeaderBe the Samurai SwordLearn How to Lead PeopleLeaders ARE; Are you?3 Dynamic Techniques To Boost Your Executive Leadership!8 Questions to Ask if You Want to be a Better LeaderFour Obstacles to Exceptional Leadership--Part 1Leadership Is Action?Not Position!Leadership: 9 Universal LawsSometimes Leaders Need to Get the BootShades of Grey: Government, Religion, & PeopleWhat We Can Learn From J. Paul GettyCharacteristics of a Good LeaderWhat is Leadership?Value Driver LeadershipPremature ArticulationFollow My Leader - To Effect Change, Leaders Must Walk the Talk!Elements of Timeless Leadership
You are a leader. Everyone is a leader. It doesn't matter if your title is Chairman of the Board or 3rd Assistant to the Supply Room Manager, you lead every time you influence others to do what you want. It's a skill that starts at birth (doesn't a newborn baby run her house?). As a smart adult, you have refined your natural leadership skills in order to influence others to willingly do what you want.
Here is a list of 10 smart ways leaders can bring out the best in others. See how well developed your leadership skills are. Give yourself 1 point for each that you already do.
1. Instead of saying you care, show them.
2. Have a vision and inspire people by staying true to your vision.
3. Be passionate when talking about your vision.
4. Clearly communicate to others how you expect them to fulfill that vision.
5. Listen to their concerns.
6. Communicate how following your vision benefits them.
7. Surround yourself with people who are "wind beneath your wings" and, as best you can, eliminate or minimize contact with people who bring you down.
8. Delegate tasks that help others discover and maximize their talents.
9. Show appreciation -- a sincere, written "thank you" can be a major (and no cost) motivator.
10. Keep your word.
I hope you're a perfect 10. Practicing these 10 smart ways leaders can bring out the best in others will encourage people to do what you want and cause them to remark that you are a natural-born leader.
Doug Smart is the coauthor of "Irresistible Leadership." He is a management development consultant, professional speaker, and host of the daily motivational radio show, "Smarter by the Minute." For more information, email Copyright 2005 by Doug Smart
Why the Squirrel Kept Winning!The Death of PotentialReinventing Failure: Designing SuccessTop 25 Leadership QuotationsLeadership Skills - 10 Ways to Beef UpChoose Your Best Life: Where Are Your Choices Leading You?Three Growth Guidelines from Stephen CoveyFive Steps Towards Greater Self ConfidenceExceptional Leadership Inspires the Best Effort in OthersSecrets of Creating Success with Ease5 Human Capital Asset Enrichment Strategies for Leaders!Are You Playing or Practicing Leadership?5 Leadership Power Principles!7 Awesome Leadership Power Generators!Three Factors Of Leadership MotivationThe Greatest Leaders Are Often The Worst LeadersVisions of LeadershipHaving Fun In LeadershipLeadership - Connect to Engage!Leadership - L.P.B It!Embracing Adversity for AchievementChris Top 7 Favorite Leadership BooksThe Ten Commandments of LeadershipLeadership A Perspective From TaoThe Challenge to LeadLeadership PrepLeader is Not a TitleCharacter Traits of Extraordinary LeadersCommon Mistakes Extraordinary Leaders Dont MakeTop Skills Of Extraordinary LeadersThe Best Ways To Multiply The Extraordinary Leadership in Your OrganizationBeing an Extraordinary Leader Through Tough and Challenging Times3 Elements of Leadership Power!E=MC - Is It In Me?7 Core Elements Of Your Vivid Vision!5 Power Keys For Leadership Success!Mr. Shoaffs Simple Strategies to Success7 Excellent Ways To Improve Your Leadership Skills!Dont Be a ComplainerThe Qualities of Skillful LeadershipA Whack Up Long Side The Head Of Human Resources: The Leadership ImperativeThoughtleading: The Art of Separating Yourself from the Pack10 Smart Ways Leaders Can Bring Out the Best in OthersCelebrating Successes: The Power Of ComplimentsLeadership Like Water-Water Canoeing10 Ways to Develop Your Latent LeaderLeadership and Followership in a Team SettingDont be Afraid to Lead!Leaders Click It" Into Gear!A Winning Choice for Leadership!BIG-3 Leadership!Leadership - Push vs. Pull?Creating Unlimited Belief for Success!What Kind of Leader Are You?Leadership In The Zone!Awaken the Leader in You: 10 Easy Steps To Develop Your Leadership SkillsYou Make The DifferenceThe Leader WithinTo be, or Not to be (Average)?Get What You Want - Negotiating Skills for the Timid!Leadership and Change in a Holographic UniverseLead People...Manage ThingsPrecious MomentsThe Seven Secrets to New Age LeadershipLeadership: Wisdom of the AgesGive Your Valentine A Very Special Gift - EmpowermentThe Power of the Leader Within - The Keys to Martial Arts Life Mastery, Key#1A Lasting Leadership Lesson: How One Leadership Talk By George Washington Saved The RevolutionWhy Not Lead With Emotions?Who Is Randy Gage and Why Is He One of My Mentors and Heroes?Lessons In Leadership: What Not To Do... From A Canoe!10 Attributes of Effective Strategic Leaders!Teen View of Leadership From Around the World3 Aspects of Developing Leadership SkillsTo Be An Effective Leader, Do A Check-up From The Neck UpThe Top 10 Questions for Socially Responsible LeadersWanted: A Dictionary-Perfect LeaderMake the Most of Your Mentoring RelationshipsQuality LeadershipThe Sink Or Swim Approach To LeadershipPeek Inside The Heads of Amazingly Successful LeadersLeadership Skills and AbilityBuilding Self Confidence3 Cs Leaders Must Communicate!Leadership Training Seminar - What Makes A Great Leader?Get Angry And Then Get ResultsLeadership, Self-Development, and the Committment to GrowthHidden Self ConfidencePartnership: Choose It or Lose ItAll You Really Want Is Feeling GoodIn Leadership, Good Enough Is Pretty BadIt's Not All About Cheese: The Missing Component in Employee Development (Part 1)Abe Lincoln: An Extraordinary LeaderCharismatic LeadershipAre You a Good Manager or a Great Leader?Heres The REAL Reason Bush Won: The Dark Night Of The Leadership SoulWomen in Leadership - How to Get PromotedBeyond Authority: Debunking the Top 3 Leadership MythsMentors and Coaches: How to Be A Great MentorTwo Vital Abilities Any Leader Must Have5 Tips to Help You Win Big & Become a Village HeroThe Three Factors of Leadership Motivation3 Es For Leaders - Engage, Empower, Encourage!3 Ds For Leadership Action... Dedicate, Direct, Dialogue!Take the Road Less TraveledPeople Problems -- Understanding the Dueling ParadigmsTrust - The Most Vital Component in LeadershipPeople or Objects? - - You DecideWho Needs Heroes?Ten Ways Women Can Visualize Themselves As LeadersTransformational LeadershipHow To Get To Know A Disabled PersonThe Six Essential Leadership AttributesCharacter -- Why It Matters In LeadersAct on Some of the FactsLeadership Lessons from Pope John Paul IIThe Four Laws Of Leadership (Part One)The Four Laws Of Leadership (Part Two)Leadership Skills: Four Ways of Overcoming PerfectionismOn Being A Born LeaderGetting Things Done, Without the Sweat!A Leader's Ultimate Goal - Connect to Engage!Leadership Is Power: Test Your EthicsRecommended Books on Leadership and Team BuildingLeadership Skill TrainingThe Happy JarLeadership Success and its Greatest Barrier: the Law of AdministriviaLeadership Styles and What We Need For the Future:Why You Should Ignore This AdviceEvil, Hostile Grumpy Listeners? Think AgainReveal the Leader WithinMentor? Who Needs A Mentor?Extraordinary People in Mediocre TimesFive Surprisingly Hip Politicial Ideas From PlatoLeading In The Face Of DisasterWould Socrates Be A Celebrity Today?How To Party Like Leonardo Da VinciFrom Failure To Victory; The Cats Out Of The Bag!The Personality of LeadershipThe Essence of LeadershipA Call to Men to Live a Strenuous Life!Develop a We Focus And Not a Me FocusFive Things Smart Leaders Do to Lower The Barriers To ChangeManaging Monsters in Meetings - Part 7, Personal AttacksManaging Monsters in Meetings - Part 6, Deadlocked DiscussionsManaging Monsters in Meetings - Part 5, Dominant ParticipantsManaging Monsters in Meetings - Part 4, Quiet ParticipantsManaging Monsters in Meetings - Part 3, Drifting From the TopicManaging Monsters in Meetings - Part 2, Multiple ConversationsManaging Monsters in Meetings - Part 1, General Strategies for Unproductive BehaviorThe Defining Moment: The Straw That Stirs The Drink Of Motivational Leadership (Part One)The Defining Moment: The Straw That Stirs The Drink Of Motivational Leadership (Part Two)Leadership - Passion, Purpose, Profit - Its Not That HardIt Begins Like ThisLeadership Development and Jumping Out of AirshipsTough Times Demand Resilient LeadersLeadership Challenges: The Walls In Our LivesChoose To Become An EncouragerAlways Be Open To LearningUNCLOS III Process modelBusiness Leadership: How Much is in Your Credibility Bank Account?Leadership Skills Training Empowers Problem-solving and VisioningLeadership is About Growing Others - Its Not About You!Leadership Training: The Bit They Didn't Tell You About Changing!None of Us Arrived with an Owners Manual: A Fresh Perspective on the Drive to Lead (part 2)Introduction to the The Enneagram as a Leadership ToolLeadership Activity: How Leadership Agenda, Strategy, and Behaviors Shape Your Success!Communication Skills & Leadership - Organizational Communications Processes in Leadership ActivityFather Knows BestBoy Scouts of America and Leadership CoachingCoaching a LeaderThe Three Essential Attributes of a Leader: The Demonstrated AbilitiesA Blueprint for Leadership - How to Be a Better LeaderThe Code of the Conference LeaderLeadership For Deep Results: Without Them Are You Wasting Your Leadership And Your Life? (Part One)Leadership For Deep Results: Without Them Are You Wasting Your Leadership And Your Life? (Part Two)Leadership Tips From My DadThe Three Essential Attributes of a Leader: (Part 2) Bringing Others to the VisionMake The Elephant Jump -- Leading With A Kind HeartDissolving Conflict Through ReframingIn Leadership, Dreams Are The Stuff That Great Results Are Made OfThe Seven Army Values - Theyre Not Just For The MilitaryCareer Advice for Business Leaders: Empowering OthersThe Synergy EffectIn Leadership, Identifying Dreams That Lead To Great ResultsThe Tao of LeadershipYour Ultimate Leadership Feedback Loop: Their LeadershipThe Three Faces of LeadershipCub Scout Leader Outdoor ExperienceStand Out as a Leader, Do 5 Things Better! Number One: Improve the Quality of Your Decision Making!What Every Manager Should Know About How to See the Talents of Effective LeadersThe SAMMER Test: Leading People To Get The Right Results At the Right Time In The Right WaySupervisor Training: Helpful Tips to Lead Your PackEffective Listening Equals Effective Leadership: Learn How!Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain!Listening Like a LeaderF2 LeadershipIn Leadership, The Eight Ways Of Right Action (Part 1)In Leadership, The Eight Ways Of Right Action (Part 2)Two Leadership Traps: How To Get Out Of Them and How To Avoid Them (Part 1)Two Leadership Traps: How To Avoid Them and How To Get Out Of Them (Part 2)LeadershipUsing Your IntuitionAre You The Most Powerful Leader You Can Be?C4 Leadership: Taking Your Leadership (and your Life) from Good...To Explosive!Birth Order - Understand How It Affects Your PersonalityThe Seven Mistakes to Avoid when Organising Your Student Leadership ProgramLeadership and Power - Being the Boss Doesnt Guarantee Either of ThemAre You A Leader in the Chrysalis?Leadership for the Successful Entrepreneur!The Leadership VacuumDream Bigger!Being Other FocusedLeadership and The Dirty WorkLeadership Training and CharacterEffective Leaders are (#1) ConceptualEffective Leaders are (#2) TechnicalEffective Leaders are (#3) CommunicativeStepping Into Leadership and Being The Source Of Your SuccessSteps to Becoming a Good LeaderBuilding Future LeadersAsking for HelpLeadership Development for SuccessStrengthening Leadership Development with EmployeesBuilding Teams and TeamworkWisdom From The RockMiraculous LeadershipThe Leadership Talk As A Living HologramAre You a Leader or a Manager?A Good Leader Knows The Teams ColoursThe Leadership Strategy: An Unmined Comstock Lode of ResultsTen Qualities Of A Great Leader - Plus 1What Kind of Leader Are You?What Does Exceptional Business Success Require of Us?Real Charisma, Clinton StyleWhat Makes A Good Leader? Ask Uncle SamBlowing Your Own Leadership HornBenefits of Leadership Skill TrainingThe Flexible Leadership WorkshopThe Goals of Leadership Coaching and PartnershipsFighting the Gravitational Pull of Positional LeadershipPure DisciplineWeakness, Struggle, Fear, Knowledge, Growth, Courage, LeaderThe Incandescence Of The Human SpiritThe Compassion ParadoxAsk Yourself Whats In It For WE?Leadership: Seed or Fruit?How to Become a Great Leader & Improve Your Leadership SkillsTen Characteristics of LeadershipSeven Personal Characteristics Of A Good LeaderBe the Samurai SwordLearn How to Lead PeopleLeaders ARE; Are you?3 Dynamic Techniques To Boost Your Executive Leadership!8 Questions to Ask if You Want to be a Better LeaderFour Obstacles to Exceptional Leadership--Part 1Leadership Is Action?Not Position!Leadership: 9 Universal LawsSometimes Leaders Need to Get the BootShades of Grey: Government, Religion, & PeopleWhat We Can Learn From J. Paul GettyCharacteristics of a Good LeaderWhat is Leadership?Value Driver LeadershipPremature ArticulationFollow My Leader - To Effect Change, Leaders Must Walk the Talk!Elements of Timeless Leadership
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